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Generic Unit Markers?

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I known this may sound dumb" but were are

the Generic unit markers? Are they in the

Battle turn screens? down in left corner?

I downloaded unit markers from Juju mod.

Not sure I want to install them if I don't

known were they go. smile.gif Over look me I am age

64 and play cbm Just play Al. never played

a PBEM or TCP. But have playing scenarios

downloaded from net Playing Normandy battles

now. Have a good one ;)


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Thank's Panzerman,

I think I get it now. Its when the tank or

units disappear and there is a symbol there.

I like your Normandy battles the maps are not large and the turns play fast on my Pc.

A little plug for your Normandy Pack.

;) Lane

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Hey Lane! Just what Panzerman said. Goes for all units, BTW, not just tanks.

Be advised however that not all icons are equally pretty on-screen, hence the many choices. The more detailed ones tend to get blurry at longer ranges. All in all it's a sort of collector's pack really, for fun.

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Generic markers are in fact what you see when you have either yet to identify a enemy unit or if you have already somewhat or even completely identified an enemy unit, but it has moved out of your sight such as down a hill or back into some woods. It happens quite fequently.

As far as Juju's set I do use them. I use 400-F for the German marker, 401-C for the US marker, 402-C for the British, 402-D for the Canadian, 404-B for the Polish, 405-B for the French.

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