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Tank MG's & overruns

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I just played a QB and an oddity popped up. I had a StuH 42 vs the computer. I fired off every last round the StuH 42 had - c, h, s. While it was shooting the 105, it also kept up a good MG fire. Once it ran out of main gun ammo, it never again fired its machine gun. I even physically overran a Vicker's MG manned by 1 crewman. Nothing. Not one more bullet. Anyone else see this? Is there some way around it? Is there some way I could've found out if it was just out of MG ammo too?

Which brings up the overrun question. The Vicker's was immobilized due to just one remaining crewman. I ran over it, reversed, repeated. No damage to the MG. Shouldn't there be?



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CM doesn't model running over crunchies with tanks. AFVs have limited MG ammo. You can check the ammo level in the unit information box by selecting the unit and pressing enter. The MG ammo is indicated next to the the appropriate MG. If you see (0), then the MG is out of ammo.

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come to think of it, in the same battle my two surviving Shermans used up all their "HE" and "AP/C" and smoke ammo, but still shot every last .30 and .50 round- twas a good thing b/c they combined to kill like 60 infantry with all those rounds (no enemy tanks left).

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Silvio Manuel:

... Shermans ... still shot every last .30 and .50 round- ...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>Shermans have a lot of MG ammo. Assault guns and TDs don't.

(Hetzers only have 15 bursts, which is usually used up before they run out of ammo for the main gun.)

Even when the MG ammo drops to 0 they can shoot, but only very short bursts and at targets manually picked by the player.



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