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QB Setup Zones (feature suggestion)

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I find that when playing QB Attack battles (for example), I will examine the size of the map and determine exactly where my opponent's setup zone is. For example, in an attack scenario the defender has the back "half" of the map to deploy in. While knowing this fact is useful for the attacker (it's nice to be sure there isn't a gun on that hill, or mines in those trees, before committing to an attack plan), it is pretty unrealistic.

My proposed solution is simple: instead of having the setup zones fixed as they are now, allow a small amount of randomness to creep in. In an attack scenario for example, have the defender set up in the back 40%-60% of the map rather than exactly 50% every time. This will inject a little more uncertainty and doubt into the attacker's picture, IMO a good thing. You could do this for the attacker's setup area as well, but there I think the impact would be significantly less.


Leland J. Tankersley

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Guest Michael emrys

I haven't worked out how you would have reasonable constraints on this, but being to deploy a small percentage of your units outside the set-up area could be nice (outpost line, skirmishers/scouts forward, etc.). Maybe there's no way to make this work outside of user-designed scenarios, I don't know. Anyboody got any ideas?


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::listens to the sound of crickets chirping::

I guess not.

It would take some more significant changes to the game and battle generator, but maybe there could be an additional buying category (OP/screen?) which would have appropriate units available, and which would have a different setup zone.

Or maybe in addition to the reinforcement slots, there could be an OP/screen slot you could buy for in a QB, that would give you additional setup freedom (but for higher unit cost).

I like my idea of just injecting a little randomness into the setup areas because it should be easy to implement.


Leland J. Tankersley

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I'd like to see something like this in QB tied in with some sort of intelliegence rpt for assult/attack/probe situations.

E.G, Attacker/defender buy forces. Defender gets a intel rpt. on attacker forces. Defender sets up. Attacker gets intel rpt. on defender set-up & forces. Attacker sets up. Intel quality levels might be something purch. or randomly set up by the QB engine.


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Originally posted by Stefan Wennerberg:

I'd like to see something like this in QB tied in with some sort of intelliegence rpt for assult/attack/probe situations.

E.G, Attacker/defender buy forces. Defender gets a intel rpt. on attacker forces. Defender sets up. Attacker gets intel rpt. on defender set-up & forces. Attacker sets up. Intel quality levels might be something purch. or randomly set up by the QB engine.


Tie it in to whether the population is friendly or not - ie information learned from civilians. You could randomize it and attribute it to several things - aerial reconaissance, prisoners taken previously, etc.

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Originally posted by Michael Dorosh:

Tie it in to whether the population is friendly or not - ie information learned from civilians. You could randomize it and attribute it to several things - aerial reconaissance, prisoners taken previously, etc.

I would like to see something like that myself. When I'm fighting a QB it always seems like I'm fighting too much in a vacuam. It would also be cool from the point of view that I w/be wondering what my enemy's intel would tell him about my forces, set-up, etc.


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I would like to see the setup zones be influenced by the weather / time of day. I've read numerous accounts of forces that fortified a position in really bad weather (heavy rain, fog or pitch black night) only to find themselves within spitting distance to enemy positions at first light. Nothing like starting your day off with hot lead.


"What do you know about surfing, major, you're from God damn New Jersey"

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