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OT, kind of, Geforce2 questions

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I just installed a n Asus V7700 Geforce2 AGP card and I had some questions. What does T&L do and will it affect CM or does it have to be programmed for? Does setting the Anti Alaising buffer higher use more CPU resource?

Also, can CM be played in 32bit color?

Thanks for any answers or advice.


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[This message has been edited by mscano (edited 01-17-2001).]

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Okay, let me try:

1. T&L means "Transformation and Lighting". It accelerates these operations but iirc, Geforece only supports 1 light source. For detail treatment, check out Tom's hardware site or Sharky Extreme. (Okay, I admit that I have not checked these sites first)

2. No, CMBO does not use T&L afaik, you may wish to try Quake3 to see how it ranks.

3. Higher FSAA setting in Geforce do use up system resources but I don't think it is cpu-related. It slows things down but it is arguable that it is not in par with Voodoo.

4. Nope, CMBO uses 16-bit color.

Hope it helps.



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FSAA does slow down the frame rate with the G2 card. But,it does make the game look 101% better! I won't play it without FSAA enabled.......



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T&L basically takes a lot of the graphics processing duties off the CPU, but only in titles that specifically support the feature. Fortunately, many new games do or will.

FSAA will cause a frame rate drop in any game using it, more so with 4x than 2x, but as noted, you do get better image quality. To oversimplify, the frame rate drops because the card calculates the scene multiple times before rendering it with it fewer "jaggies" when FSAA is enabled.

Check the GeForce FAQ for all the info you could desire.


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