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PARTISANS in CM:B2B, info?

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It is known that partisans will be featured in CM:B2B, and that is exciting news. The great battles and scenarios that can use partisans will be limitless. It is one of my most anticipated new units.

I am curious how they will be modelled as far as command, size, and weaponry are concerned. Has anything been released on the subject?

Also, and this is my main point, what about "Pro-German" partisans? I assume the partisans they mentioned will be Soviet, but in the early years there was a great deal of German sympathizing partisan activity. Especially in the North, in Lithuania, Estonia, and the Baltic states.

So, well, how about some info? Has any development been done on the Partisans?

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Good question, it will be very interesting to see how they play out. And I doubt the Germans will be getting them due to them having so many sattalitte countries. For the Russians I would guess. Maybe small 6 man squads? Maybe when you split the squads they don't suffer moral penalties due to the frequency working alone or in small groups. I would probably guess about an even mix of rifles and SMGs, but expensive MGs. And always packing a molotov cocktail or 2.

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Interesting to see how they will be used. Partisans in the Soviet Union were primarily used to gather intelligence, commit sabotage, or create diversionary activity. In 1944 during the Belorussian campaign they did take on a much more expanded role, functioning in many ways like forward detachments.

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Partisans in the war spent most of the time getting their asses kicked, but even when they lost, they won just by keeping the other guy busy. Ukranian partisans caused the whole central front problems udring the first year of the eastern war (for the Germans) while northern and caucasian partisans caused lots of problems for the Germans.

Most actions against partisans were bug hunts trying to clear out cells from areas they were holding, but it can work in scenario design just by placing relatively low mobility cells of partisans into clusters and putting the hunters on the roads, with the partisans trying to hold rails, bridges, or ambush convoys.

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