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Zombie captives?

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While playing a 1.05 QB vs. AI last night I noticed some strange behavior by my captured men.

In the first instance a Panzerschreck team was

lying in wait on the reverse slope of a big hill, with LOS to the road. Unfortunately, a supporting mortar trying to hit exposed British infantry, also on the hill, dropped its first round short, so close to the Panzerschreck team that it bolted--right into the arms of the British squad. This was the only British unit with LOS to the captives.

Seconds later, the mortar hit the right target, and the British ran off, leaving the disarmed Panzerschreck team unguarded. I watch the unit status marker. Still POWs. The team then walks down to the welcoming woods of the small VL at the base of the reverse slope. I figure that this should resolve the matter. The next turn the still captive ones trudge back up the steep slope, get near the top, finally lose captive status and walk back to the sheltering VL.

In the second case on the same hilltop a British squad has captured the remnants of a FJ team. It is chased off by the same mortar, again leaving an unguarded set of prisoners. Close by on a level, clear hilltop is a stone house occupied by a fully functioning FJ team which is not in contact with the enemy. The abandoned POWs walk right past the house, maybe 20 meters away, over the edge of the crest farther on toward the enemy, and disappear into the POW cages.

Would someone please explain to me why unguarded prisoners don't immediately revert to unarmed troops and go to the nearest friendly unit? I found the behavior beyond bizarre. Why do they act like zombies?


John Kettler

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You got to remember....it's simply strange AI behavior. Sure, you can try to reason it with logic pretaining to the actual war, but..in the end, it's just strange behavior on part of the computer. I had a tank unit capture a German MG team, then get knocked out, but the MG team remained in captive status, even though the crew was about a mile away running in the other direction. This MG crew walked ALL THE WAY across a bridge, passing within meters of armed comrades without the notion of either retreating or joing the safety with a armed group of soldiers. Go figure......

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