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New Hosting Site & Strategy Games Site

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Hia Guys,

I set up about a year ago a Close Combat mod and maps site. (also the home of a 260 srong CC gaming group) This was to make available all the mods & maps for CC in one place. Alos to give the mod and map makers a place to have the file hosted. The site has proved hugely popular and is now up to around 100,000 views a month. I am now trying to do the same for CM and all Military Strat games.

I have set up a new domain and site. This includes 1000mgs of server space.

I am aiming to have a one stop site for strategy games and mods. From CC to Silent Hunter. This will take me some time LOL. But the site is already up and running. (somewhat bare)

Any ideas you guys may have are very welcome, what makes a good strat games site? I know there are some out there, but the ones I have seen seem to have lost their focus and seem very commercial.

This site and all webspace will be banner free and you can build your sites or move them to the new domain as you want. This is open to any of you who want webspace for a site, that is banner free and reliable. I can add a froum for each site if needed. The server is fast and the only requirement is a knowledge of ftp etc as I am not setting up a geocites page builder.

If any of would like a site hosted email me:


I have also added a GI Combat section to CSO, which has the new FAQ on units and weapons. Eric has also posted that he is looking for some serious input both on the game itself and on the best way of making the game modable ie: what aspects etc. Check out the CSO GI Combat site for details: http://www.closecombat.org/GICombat.htm and the GI Combat forum. http://www.gicombat.com/cgi-bin/ubb/forumdisplay.cgi?

I have created a GIC webring for anyone interested in adding it to their site.

The URL for the new site so (far up) is: http://www.strategy-bunker.com/



Straegy Bunker Military Games Site

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Hi Ellros,

Bandwidth was one of the reasons as well as having a cenreal point for all mod and map downloads, that I set up closecombat.org.

A lot of the mods are large ie WF is around 35mgs, and if you have a lot of people downloading large mods and maps (maps average 6 - 7mgs) it eats up bandwidth. A lot of maps etc were hosted on the old Xoom and geocities sites, these were sometime hard to download from and the download speed was awful.

ON CC.Org we host over 300 maps and hundreds of other mods/files. The bandwidth is very good and the new server has great bandwidth.

This is one of the reaons behind the new site, to offer the same facility to other war games. A good reliable host thats not favouring any games company or that has banners everywhere. Just a site for war games by war gamers.

This site is open to everyone who needs a site for a wargame for mods etc. From CM to Silent Hunter.

BTW: Has anyone seen the new reviews of the beta testing of S HunterII and Destroyer Command, these two games on multiplayer look to be awesome. Check out this URL: http://www.sh2fleet.com/subsim1/destroy_sh2.html



http://www.strategy-bunker.com/ http://www.closecombat.org/

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