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Black Deployment zones in subsequent Operation battles.

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Hi, I did a search but came up with nothing useful....

In an operation I've just finished the first battle and am re-deploying my troops for another assault (hopefully one that actually takes ground this time!)

I noticed several 'black' deployment zones, though I have no troops with black bases, and there are no troops in them at the moment, so I don't understand why they are there?

(They are ahead of my green deployment zones, towards the enemy....)

A few other people have asked about this, but don't seem to have gotten an answer.... I couldn't find anything in the book about it either.

Anyone out there know why, or even have an idea?

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Ahh.. I remember seeing them too.

Now I could be totally wrong, but I think they might be places where enemy can go..

At least in Red Devils scenario I noticed them and sure there were enemies in them in next battle (at least that is what I remember, it has been so long when played it)

Perhaps they are places where you know there is enemies because they are so close to your troops.



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I seem to remember that the black zones could contain units that were left over from the previous battle. Those units could either be deployed back with the reinforcements or could be placed in any of the forward deployment (black) zones.










I remember seing this in the Villers Bocage operation. The surviving tanks from the first battle were placed in the black zones, and IIRC could be moved among the black zones. The reinforcements could only be placed in the green zone.

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Good question. Black deployment zones are whatever's left of the map after all the other zones have been established. A scenario designer may place units for the setup initially in this area of no-man's land, but it's unclear to me if this is possible for subsequent battles in an operation--haven't gotten that far yet. Are they there to afford space for units so initially placed? That sounds logical, but I can't recall reading either way from the manual. Guess it's time to go back and re-read it.

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