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Geez, I'm away for a day and people keep forgetting about my REALITY CHECKS!

Guest Ol' Blood & Guts

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Guest Ol' Blood & Guts

I've been away since Monday with computer problems. Been on the phone with Tech Support for a couple of days. I think it was something to do with all the **** that "Startup" loads. But it hasn't effected anything until now. 'Puter screwed up after a freak power spike or something on Sunday. The damn thing (HDD) would peeter out during program launches. Followed by a Ctrl-Alt-Del reset confused.gif

This is concerning the "dead bodies" thread.

So what's all this about leaving a dead body for eliminated squads? Hell, I think that's a grand idea. And poor Major Tom crying that it's sadistic or something? Get a Life, Fella!

Back on my 386, I had a game called Field of Glory. It was a game of the battles surrounding Waterloo, including Quatre Bras, Leginy, and a few ficticious engagements. A dead figure fell each time a figure in the formation was knocked off. Hell, sometimes you couldn't tell which guys were alive and which ones weren't.

The point being is that in WAR, people die, and to NOT leave some sort of a marker in a wargame is really cheapening the effect of sending your little cyber guys to their death.

NOW, I'm not saying you need to leave a pool of blood there or whatever, but to leave a marker, most favorably a dead body of somesort, makes you think, "OH ****!"

Besides is CM not a WWII tactical simulation? You see the bodies jerk back and take casualties, so why not include some sort of marker to show you where the valiant squad paid its last respect. Besides, hasn't there been discussions on "How come I can see where my squads were elimated?" or "Where'd my squad go?" As Steve said, the dead body WILL show you where your squad went!

[This message has been edited by Ol' Blood & Guts (edited 05-03-2000).]

[This message has been edited by Ol' Blood & Guts (edited 05-03-2000).]

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Guest Ol' Blood & Guts

Go ahead flame me. And while you're at it, go flame Wild Bill for his post on page 3 of the "Dead Bodies" thread.

But that's the honest to God truth. We're playing a WARGAME people! People die in wargames, so why only represent the live ones?

After all the discussion about "we need this to be realistic" or "we need that to be realistic", but to put in a casualty marker, albeit a dead body, people get upset. WHAT! I don't get it! COM'ON PEOPLE, if you don't like human sacrifice or whatever else Steve said, why are you playing a wargame?

Grow some balls or something, GEEZ!

I'm with all of what Wild Bill said. People need a REALITY CHECK!

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A few points to make here:

1. I see while I was retracting my snide remark, which read basically something like, "Geez, you're gone for a day and you have to resurrect a thread that was closed for a good reason. Why don't you bring up the swastikas and white phosphorous debates while you're at it?" that you had just posted your reply.

2. I did not address the dead bodies issue at all. I like the idea of a casualty marker. Yes, you're right: it's a war game!

3. The reason for my original post was, disclaimer or no, your launching a new thread and attacking Major Tom was in poor taste. I'm tired of these flame wars as it is, but starting up a new thread just to continue one is really pathetic!

4. Yes, I realize that I'm being just as pathetic and quite hypocritical by posting this. So this is my final post on the subject.

Have a nice day!


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Guest mch

Shure am glad you're back to straighten things out O'B&G.....

things were just getting out of hand here....

the other day..this guy thought this was

the "Iron Chef" bbs.....

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Guest Ol' Blood & Guts

Oh com'on Lewis, every contraversial viewpoint I've had has been backed by Steve...eventually. I just use an keen sense of logic along with a keen sense of practicality to derive my opinions, and guess what? They are EXACTLY what BTS is thinking also. Whether it be, terrain FOW, dead bodies, or what, it doesn't matter.

In the past, if I've had an idea that BTS doesn't agree with, and they kindly answer why they don't want it that way, I kindly respond and say, "OK, point seen and understood". I don't continue to cry about it and say, "I'm going to cancel my pre-order, if you don't put this in it or take this out of it." The reason for that is that it's SILLY to do so.

That's like saying, I don't go to McDonald's because I don't like "Happy Meals", but I love everything else they have, and that's the reason I don't go.-----That's STUPID!

So you have an AWESOME game like CM of which you love everything except for one feature and you decide to cancel your order? Gimme a break!

That's why I keep saying REALITY CHECK.

[This message has been edited by Ol' Blood & Guts (edited 05-03-2000).]

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Guest Big Time Software

Well, I for one didn't have any problem with Major Tom's eventual position. He just overreacted a bit at first, thinking that we had gone more towards gore than we did and/or that we gave into the immature bloodlust crowd. There is no reason to flame him for such a position, no more than there is to flame you for yours.

This issue has more than been decided and discussed far too much. I will now close up each and ever new topic that crops up about bodies that has nothing new or of value to say. I suspect that will be ANY new thread about this topic because it has been so stupidly over discussed it really makes my head hurt. Cripes, you would think this was the defining feature of CM by all simply counting of posts on this topic. And that is pretty sad commentary.


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