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Flamethrower bug? See for yourself.

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Well, dunno what the concensus on this will be but it seems like there is a tweak needed in the Gold demo regarding flamethrowers and their area of effect / chance to hit. See for yourself. The German unit suffered no losses and no morale hits after walking right through this. Doesn't seem right.




Not a scratch. Seems like there should be some mass damage to that unit and or a panic attack!.


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the little men on your screen are an abstract representation only. Just because you graphically see that the weapon is going right through your dudes it doesn't necesarally mean any of your guys are getting hit.

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Guest Big Time Software

Darwin is correct. Close but no cigar smile.gif I've fired a flamethrower myself, and it isn't that unlikely you would miss at such a range (20m+? by the looks of it).

If the German unit didn't freak out there is a logical explanation for this. Normally the unit would be highly likely to Panic. However, I think you sprayed flame at a unit that just happened to be Fanatical. VoT, like Riesberg, has some of its units (25%?) being fanatical. These guys won't Panic.


P.S. Ugh, thanks for the reminder what the graphics look like without a 3D card wink.gif

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Thanks for the explanation. Also, I am using a 3d card at 1024x768. Its just that I turned off the trees so that one could see this example. Furthermore, Hypersnap reduced the image quality in compressing the format to lowly JPEG. But enough about the graphics. If it makes any difference, the AI fired the flamethrower on their own at the approaching German infantry unit. My question again is should the "area of effect" for this weapon be increased to capture and improve the effectiveness of this weapon to prevent such an occurrence from happening again? And as far as morale goes, I think the German unit under my control was full of REGULARS. I guess it seems that I am underestimating the fanatical quotient, but the men would have to be robots not to crap their pants after a flamethrower bakes the area.

One other question I have then is will issues like these and others be resolved in the form of a patch further on down the road prior to CM2 or is this all there is so there is no sense in bringing issues to light?

Despite this, CM is by far one of my top games of all times dating back to the Apple 2+ days. I've talked it up so much, I've gotten friends to preorder.


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I recently had a unit get torched, immediately the tac-ai took over throwing my men to the ground turning them around and running them back through the trees to deeper cover.

Steve if your interested in the details I can email you otherwise it's in a pbem game no info allowed yet smile.gif

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Guest Big Time Software

Sure, issues will most certainly be patched provided we think they are issues smile.gif The flamethrower missed from what I can see (the graphics aren't exact remember) and your German unit was Fanatical. This is not something that should be "prevented". Flamethrowers are plenty powerfull, but they aren't über weapons. They can miss.

Remember, one specific example doesn't mean that what you are seeing is typical. Darwin's example is by far the more common one, and it seems to be as it should.


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