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Unit Ranking/Kills

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CM is a great game, but I'm missing a full after game report. It would be interesting to see something like a "top 10" unit list after battle with *all* (not just the confirmed ones) the kills for the variuos units. And then you could go back to the map and see WHY the best units got so many kills (placement, tactic) and learn. This could be adressed quite easily (?) with a patch?!

Other opinions?


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I wouldn't mind this either.. I think alot of wargamers are statistics geeks at heart and would love to go over all sorts of kill casuality and performance data.

What I'd really like to see though would be a way to do a text dump of the final disposition of units after a battle, including kills, location, casualties, state, ammo, etc. This could be handy for meta-campaign type stuff, or possibly allow a third party to create a CM Campaign system (which I think alot of people would like, regardless of whether its realistic).

It would also be kind of nice if you could find out what kills your units actually got after a game finished... as it is now, they only get credit for the confirmed kills, which is fine during the game. Afterwards though, it would be kind of nice to know just how many men did that AVRE blow to bits?

Medals I could take or leave... leaving that sort of thing up to the computer would be a bit arbritary and difficult to program... does the hmg team that sat in the bunker and got 15 kills deserve a medal more than the inf squad that charged across an open field, took heavy casualties, but managed to take out a fwd observer team? I don't know, and I sure wouldn't know how to code it soe a computer would.


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I raised this very subject not long ago & I'm hoping BTS may notice these posts so we can feel like we've actually achieved something after a hard fought battle (or vice versa of course).

The idea of stats on each unit & what it ACTUALLY killed rather than what was independantly confirmed during the game is a great one because I for one are one of those people who love to visualise what each unit achieved. Perhaps I'm just hooked into the game too much but I'm sure I'm not the only one!


Jim R.


What's that! Is that the spluttering sound of a 700 HP Maybach diesel engine? Oh SH*T....Panther!

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