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Looking to add to my PBEM opponent list.

I'll be online for most of the day if anyone is interested in a "near real time" smile.gif quick battle. I have ICQ (currently not on) and my number is in my profile.

If interested, send me an email at kb9sog@earthlink.net with your setup.

I prefer attack/defend quick battles with point totals ranging between 600 and 1250 with at least medium quality troops. All else can be decided by you in the setup.

To arms, brothers!


BJ Simpson

Visit www.arrl.org for information about Ham Radio.


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Wow, I was wondering why I hadn’t received a turn from you. Something must be up with one of our mail servers as I sent the turn yesterday or the day before. I have been receiving 3 copies of each of your mailings so far, must be a server glitch.

I have resent the last turn I have.

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