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How can you simulate this patrol in CM?

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I got three squads in a column walking in the woods. I give the 3 squads sneak orders so that if they come into contact with the enemy, they will stop.

What I want is the first squad in the lead to stop on contact and return fire. I want the two squads behind the 1st squad to stop if the first squad makes contact. This way, I can try to do a flanking manouver while squad one provides a base of fire.

Right now though all three squads will move until contact, thus making it harder to control the last two squads and also exposes them thus losing an element of surprise.

If only there was a movement order that applies to a whole platoon so that if the lead squads comes under fire, the two following squads will stop and await your orders for next turn. This way, the following squads don't reveal thier position.

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I know you have probably already thought of this but what I do is have a squad be ahead of the others, sort of like a 'point man'. I move them all slowly making sure to keep the lead squad ahead slightly so if contact occurs there is at least a chance that the other two will go un-noticed. It's hit and miss but so, I am sure, was the real thing. It also takes time to set orders for each individual squad of course.


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