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CM Works on old computer/SPOILER NEAT GAME INFO

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First off - THE GAME WORKS ON MY COMPUTER! UNBELIEVEABLE! It actually goes faster than the beta, the graphics look better (even though I have no graphics card) and everything in general is just better! I have a Motorola Starmax 3000 Apple Clone, Tower, with a 180 processor and about 96 MB RAM.

Too cool. Played to 1am last night, feel like s*** but I am elated!!



Whats the deal with arty in the Valley scenario? At one point I thought a frigging nuke was dropped on the target area - the actual explosion plume was about 5 times as big as a regular explosion and it expanded very slowly. Cool, yes - is it a bug? Is this a spoiler? Who the heck knows...I'll try and post a picture of it tomorrow (got a screen capture at home).

Also, any trick to using Flamethrower dudes? They shoot their entire wad in one round and then they are useless after that.

Thanks much for the Gold demo, the countless hours you all have put in on this thing - thousands of happy gamers will be losing hours and hours of sleep in the future!!!


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