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Shit happens?

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The following happened to me in an email QB. According to me this should not be possible, but maybe I am biased.

It was dark, visibility maybe 200 mtrs. My troops (Germans) were defending a stretch of wood, with a dirt track running through it. On both sides of the track I had some troops, a halfsquad, a squad and a light MG, with some room between them. Sitting on the shoulders of the track, beside each other were a Pz IV and a Puma. Some 50 meters behind that was a Stug III, sitting in the middle of the road (and behind that a Pzkpw 251/2, the mortar thingie).

All troops are regulars, the armor veterans.

Last turn I spotted some light armor coming down the road. It was already targetted by the Pz IV and the Puma. I was expecting a wrecked scouting verhicle, but this was what happened:

The advancing vehicle turned out to be a M3 Halftrack scout. It raced up the road, while my shells missed it (about 4 shots in all). It raced between the Pz IV and the Puma, killing the Puma in passing. It crashed into the Stug in the middle of the road, backed of, ran into it again, backed of and ran into it again. While doing this it killed my PZ IV (with the .50, from behind, tank started to burn) and eliminated a halfsquad that was shooting at them.

The 4th time the halftrack hit the Stug III it managed to bump it far enough aside to pass it. Then it bumped the Pzkfw 251 also aside, and passed that to.

Thus ended the one minute turn, not with the scout HT shot, but with a Puma, a Pz IV and a halfsquad killed by the .50, and a Stug bumped from the road by the HT. I fully expect the M3 the next turn to kill the Stug from behind with the .50 (it is less armored there than the Pz IV, and has no defence, can't turn, because the M3 nocked it into the woods), and then finish the Pzkfw (they are even less panzered, and very vulnarable against .50's).

Somehow I have a bit of trouble with this sequence of events. I might be wrong, but I think this should not be allowed to happen outside of Hollywood. Comments?


Nb.: I just realized: it could be possible that my opponent loaded the Kelly's Heroes pictures of course smile.gif.

[This message has been edited by Bertram (edited 08-17-2000).]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Bertram:

Thus ended the one minute turn, not with the scout HT shot, but with a Puma, a Pz IV and a halfsquad killed by the .50, and a Stug bumped from the road by the HT. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I know I would be uttering some not so plesant words if that happend to me! But maybe it wasn't loaded with Kelly's Heroes, but rabid hamsters!? It sure sounded that way! smile.gif



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this happend very similar to me with an allied jep-mg in the Scenario "Son" where i played the Germans.

As i blew out the candle of the allied forces that are seetlet up on my side of the river i decided to go over the bridge and chease the fleeing paras.

I toke 2 pumas and a SdKfz251/9 and seting over Bridge also 2 StuGIII then 2 Jep-MG appeared. My Stug´s and Pumas and SdKfz 251/9 where only able to hit 1 Jep, while the 2nd toke out 2 Pumas and the SdKfz 251/9.

I like to say this is absolute the worst BS that can happen and is a little unrealistic.

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The .50 cal can and will take out Axis armor at close range, it was designed with an anti-tank role in mind, not AP. .50 cal Jeeps will kill Hetzers, HTs, Armored Cars, Self Propelled, etc if you don't have an infantry screen. A squad of infantry will take out a Jeep in no time at all... A good combined arms strategy will take care of most of these kinds of things (especially since HTs can't fire their .50 cals while buttoned...)

That being said, Charles has stated that they are going to look into the accuracy of the .50 cal against armored targets (most likely will tone it down) which will help in these situations.

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I've learned to love T-8 recon vehicles after one took out a platoon of halftracks, several open topped self propelled guns and one armored car. Not to mentio 15 infantry casualties caused. smile.gif


The names Ash, Housewares


[This message has been edited by Ash (edited 08-17-2000).]

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Actually my main gripe isn't even that the .50 took out the tanks (although they must have been real lucky to take out a Pz IV, not just damaging it, but setting it on fire) but that they were able to do this while running (repeatedly)into a Stug III hard enough to push it of the road.

Try running an M113 at full speed into a M1A1 and see who moves. And I dont think the infantery in that M113 is going to shoot their MG after that (or do anything else constructive).


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This was my M3A1 scout car that did the above. Like Ash, I've come to love fast vehicles, especially around turretless stuff on open maps. They can literally run circles around them, keeping them buttoned and in general wreaking havoc in the enemy rear (taking out light armor and such). Even if the .50 cals are toned down a little they will be my favorite. I just hope that aggressive use of these vehicles is not considered gamey. When used aggressively they do remind me of "Rat Patrol" however.

On the other hand, imagine trying to bring a gun to bear on a fast moving vehicle while you're buttoned up in your turretless, slow vehicle. Not easy I'll bet.

Gilamonster out.

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