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HEY! Get Your Face OUTA Here! Friday nights CMHQ Update...

Guest Madmatt

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Guest Madmatt

Faces, faces everywhere. We have been getting a decent turnout on the faces but we NEED MORE! Comeon people lets get some faces based on your favorite war movie actor, your favorite veteran, Hell your favorite anybody but just send them in. The best will be sent in to Big Time Software and get a chance to be included into the release of the game. You aren't going to get another chance to be imortalized like this again...Get those art programs a loaded adn send me your latest masterpeices! Remember to keep the face features consistent (no 3rd eyes!) and try to make them as authentic as possible. Seems most people are just sending in renditions of themselves but we really need some battle hardened faces to. Give it your best shot and the worst that will happen is that I will come to your door and humilate your work in front of friends and neighbors...Oh and BTS could cancle your order too, but the chances of that are rather small...Unless it really just totally sucks! biggrin.gif

Madmatt...Telling it like it is since 1905!


If it's in Combat Mission, it's on Combat Mission HQ!


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Warning! A -10 cool points post below!

Please correct me if I'm wrong but didn't BTS annouce a "feature freeze" in december? New faces seem like a new feature to me. Am I complaining about this? No, just curios as to why the change of heart to offer more feature.


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Guest Madmatt

SHADUP! mad.gif this is something Charles probably threw in after about 2 minutes of coding, so quit your bitching and enjoy the show!

Geez, will this NEVER end?!? wink.gif



If it's in Combat Mission, it's on Combat Mission HQ!


[This message has been edited by Madmatt (edited 02-25-2000).]

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Well... Since my Face is about as Generic Irish as you can get.. I'll give it a go. Maybe I'll get lucky since i got here to late for the "names" call. frown.gif



Man i have no life.. I play nothing but CM and Rogue Spear all the time.. Just Brewed a Stug and yelled "tango down".... sad really. frown.gif



This is my rifle. There are many like it, but this is mine. It is my life. Without my rifle I am useless. Without me, my rifle is useless...


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Guest Charles

Since I can barely draw a straight line, I am hardly an artist and will not be submitting any faces to BTS.

HOWEVER, I thought I might make some suggestions for faces that should be in the game: (feel free to add to this list)

Dutch (Ronald Reagan)

Pres. Clinton (d*** draft dodger)!

The entire cast from Kelly's Heroes (esp. Clint Eastwood)

Tom Hanks--er, never mind, too cliched

George C. Scott

Jane Russell (think of the moral boost)! smile.gif

Jay Leno (that chin)!!

Audrey Murphy

I'm sure people can come up with many others. So, for all of us artistically challenged, here's our chance to contribute (in a small way) to CM. Okay, who else would YOU like to see in CM???


Not THE Charles from BTS

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Just letting everyone know I won't be submitting any faces tongue.gif

I'm too lazy I guess




aka BLITZ_Force

My Hompage ----> http://www.geocities.com/coolcolj

Double your immersion with my Tweaked Textures and Saving Private Ryan sound set mods for CM!! Check out my new Textures V2.0 photo Gallery and my music while your there! tongue.gif

[This message has been edited by CoolColJ (edited 02-26-2000).]

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Guest Charles

Well, I might not have the name quite right, but he was an actual infantry grunt in WWII (don't know what oufit), who went on to make several Hollywood movies in the 50's and 60's. Might have been in the movie "Combat."

I believe he was decorated for bravery several times during WWII. Sorry I don't have more information, my search feature in M$ Explorer is not working for some strange reason. frown.gif

Here's another face that might be fun to have in CM:

Arnold Schwarzenegger


Not THE Charles from BTS

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Charles:

I believe he was decorated for bravery several times during WWII<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Actually, Audie Murphy was the most decorated American soldier of the second world war. He was such a charismatic fella that they made him a hollywood star after the war. He did an autobiographical film about his war experiences (To Hell and Back). Frankly, it's one of the worst war movies I've ever seen wink.gif


Floreat Jerboa !

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Guest Charles

Thanks Babra! smile.gif

Come on, guys! Let's tell those artist-types wink.gif what faces we would like to see in CM!


Not THE Charles from BTS

[This message has been edited by Charles (edited 02-26-2000).]

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Guest Ol' Blood & Guts

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>SHADUP! this is something Charles probably threw in after about 2 minutes of coding, so quit your bitching and enjoy the show!

Geez, will this NEVER end?!?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

MADMATT, It will END, when the damn game comes OUT!

I say, enough of the TWEAKING and say, GOOD ENOUGH!

Besides, a patch can always include and new tweak. The fact that they are down to miniscule (sp?) tweaks is getting a little frustrating and adding to the wait. I mean, COM'ON! Let's call it GOOD ENOUGH for Chris'sake!


"Cry Woe...Destruction...Ruin and Decay. The worst is Death...and Death will have His day."--Gen. Chang

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Guest Captain Foobar

Well, I'm glad that all these fine details are being addressed.

There is no justification that I can see for rushing this out the door.

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Guest Madmatt

yeah, and I gues youm would know wouldn't you OBG?

No wait a minute, I don't see you name listed as this games Producer, so you wouldn't know when it was ready to market..

Maybe you helped code the game, hmmm nope, I see Charles name as the lead programmer so I guess you wouldn't know if the code was as stable and functional as you wanted...

Maybe all the program testing you have been doing and, no wait a second...You aren't a beta tester....

I got it! You must be handling the play balancing of the included operations and scenarios so then you would know that errrr, hmmm I don't see your name as a sceanrio designer either so thats not it...

Ahhh, you must be handling the manual then and thats how hmmmmm no you aren't doing that either....

Are you building unit models? No

Sound Effects? Nope

Graphics and textures? Nyet

Working on the interface frontend? Nein

Providing Historical Insite and Info? Certainly not...

Cleaning up the offices at BTS? Nah...

Well damn, I can't find ONE SINGLE thing in all the varied aspects the whole Combat Mission project that would give you ANY insight on wheter this game was ready to ship or not...OHHHHH I remember now! It's ready becaus you SAID it's done! Yeah, thats it now...


Well pal, that and a load of ill conceived and irrelevant Forum posts will getcha a steamy pile of POO, and barely at that!

The truth is, YOU DONT KNOW...

The game aint done! How do I know, it hasnt shipped...Simple as that...Cope with it...



If it's in Combat Mission, it's on Combat Mission HQ!


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Guest Ol' Blood & Guts


EXXX....CUUUUUUUSE me for breathing. mad.gif

It's just that you're the lucky bastard that has been Beta Testing the thing for the past 3 months or so, while the rest of us are still stuck playing the "So..Yesterday" Beta Demo, as Steve once said.

So that's where the animosity comes from. If you haven't figured it out yet!

Besides, what does the manual have to do with getting the Gold Demo out at least?


"Cry Woe...Destruction...Ruin and Decay. The worst is Death...and Death will have His day."--Gen. Chang

[This message has been edited by Ol' Blood & Guts (edited 02-26-2000).]

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Guest Madmatt

For the record I have only been in possesion of the Beta for 7 weeks and NOT 3 months! smile.gif

Guys, I understand why you are all anxious, don't you think we and BTS want it to ship soon too!?! Hell I want to start playing this puppy with all the members of this board because let me tell you, it aint fun playing against some guy only to find out HE DESIGNED the whole battle! wink.gif

When its all said and done all the pissing and moaning won't make BTS release this product one second earlier BUT saying that, you are all completely within your god given rights to piss and moan all you want, just realize that:

1). It really serves little purpose

2). It just frustrates the hell outa all the people who take time out of their busy schedules to come here (and the Chat room) and answer questions and give out info.

You know I didnt have to say anything about the face texture feature but I asked Charles if I could let you all know about it as I felt it was cool enough and would inject some excitment back into the board...I was trying to make the wait a little more tolerable if you got a glimpse of some other stuff in the game that hadn't been mentioned yet.

Remember that everything I show in POTDs or features are not neccesarily brand new either. I have a popular webpage to run and as such I have to release info in a way that will keep people coming back AND will keep the page fresh. If you think I am going to dump every little detail on CM all at once then you are truely nuts. Don't equate the status of CMHQ with the status of CM as they are seperate. CM may have been in relative feature freeze for months but CMHQ sure as hell isn't!

Now, saying all that I also understand that pissing and moaning in of itself is common and to be expected its just when certain indiviudals seem to want to take it to a new artistic level that I grow weary and angry...

Just bump the anticipation back down to a slobbering fervor and all will be cool.. wink.gif

Now then, back on topic, I still need more faces! So send um in! smile.gif



If it's in Combat Mission, it's on Combat Mission HQ!


[This message has been edited by Madmatt (edited 02-26-2000).]

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Guest Ol' Blood & Guts

O.K. Madmatt...an acceptable and objective post from you, finally. smile.gif It's time for a truce then. biggrin.gif

As for CMHQ, I have had no problem with it's content and features. In fact, I've found it very interesting at times.

But like you've said, it just a bitch trying to wait for the Gold Demo. And that's all we're really wanting. 'Cause once it's out, we call all revel in all the new enhancements since the Beta Demo

So here on out...I call a truce. smile.gif

And I apologize for the miscalculation of the amount of time you've had the Beta. 'Cause it seems someone else has had it for 3 months or so.


"Cry Woe...Destruction...Ruin and Decay. The worst is Death...and Death will have His day."--Gen. Chang

[This message has been edited by Ol' Blood & Guts (edited 02-26-2000).]

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Guest Madmatt

Truce accepted... biggrin.gif

I guess people don't always realize that i was in the same boat as everyone else just a few short weeks ago so unlike most of the Beta-Testers, who have had the beta since last year, I really DO know what its like to hear about all this cool stuff and not be able to play with it. Hell I was doing my thing with Fionn at CMHQ since late November and he COULDN'T tell me what he saw cause he was a tester and I wasn't! THAT was cause for frustration let me tell you!

Combat Mission will set new standards in every catagory imaginable and that because its is the true realization of Steve and Charles's dream. It is not our place to erect limits on their imagination, For once a programmer and team are being allowed all the time they need to do what they want and make the very best game they can. This is truely a landmark event in computer gaming history and these things, unfortunately, take time...

Until that time we have this forum, the very active nightly chats, the various mods, the other fine websites and of course my own modest contribution to the CM Community CMHQ...Not all that bad when you add it all up... wink.gif

Madmatt out...and yes I CAN be mature and adult too people! Gezz they see that name and they think I am MR. Anger or something! biggrin.gif


If it's in Combat Mission, it's on Combat Mission HQ!


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Mr. Anger?

Hmm, I feel a re-christening coming on Matt wink.gif.

BTW Matt isn't telling a lie. When he first started out at CMHQ I wasn't allowed to tell him about LOTS of stuff in the game simply because he didn't have it yet...

Even now CMHQ is behind the curve in showing you the newest features since there's no point in us showing everything in 2 weeks and then not having any more new stuff to show for the next month.

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