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Prisoners spotting enemy

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Do prisoners spotting enemies?

I am puzzled about this: May my enemy still see my units because some of his have surrendered?

I had not the chance to really verify this happening but IMO they should not provide spotting capabilities. If I move the prisoners out of view they should disappear for my opponent to see.

How is it in reality?

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In reality, this happens all the time. Once, Patton's entire 3rd army surrendered only so they could see what was behind the Seigfreid (Sp?) Line and report it back to Ike, via the radios embedded in their teeth of course. Then Patton pissed in a stream, at least, that's what the Polaroid shows.

[This message has been edited by Elijah Meeks (edited 08-23-2000).]

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IIRC once your guys become POW's they are cut of from you. You can't see what they see, give them orders ect..

But if they happen to unsurrender... All bets are off.



Proud commander of the CCT's Chinchilla Commando Teams

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Yes, I'm sure it will happen in our RPG.

I can assure you that your men will be kept under guard with no chace to flee. So how this will help you.. I have no idea.



Proud commander of the CCT's Chinchilla Commando Teams

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When a unit surrenders, it effectively becomes an enemy unit. The enemy now controls it, and will be able to see it all the time - whereas if it goes out of your view, you may lose track of it altogether. Then, for example, if it were left alone in the enemy's rear, it might suddenly 'liberate' itself, whereupon you would regain control and could gain intelligence from it. This latter issue is a bit unrealistic, but it's a minor problem which would be a major problem to fix.



There's a splinter in your eye, and it reads REACT

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