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Hey fucking cunt SS_Panzerleader

Guest MantaRay

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Ray ......you are so wrong dude. I don't care what he may have said this is no place for that kind of hammerhead idiot stuff. I guess you are probably a real tough guy because you talk real tough but you are so out of line that even if BTS doesn't ban you (suspect they won't because they seem to be very kind and forgiving folks, I resepct them for that) the members of this board should snub you forever making getting kicked off the board a moot point.

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Guest Big Time Software

Nobody should be subjected to that kind of language or utter juvenile behavior. Sorry Ray, I thought you were bigger than that. Seemed like a nice guy, but I see no reason to give you a second chance on this one.

Ray just earned himself the #2 spot in our Ban List. If anybody wants to join him, just start up another pissing match thread on this BBS and bingo, another entry in the Ban List.


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