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Combat Mission CONVENTION

Guest Capt_Manieri

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Guest Capt_Manieri

I think, perhaps after the game comes out, BTS will acquire even MORE fans than it has now.

Probably, a few months down the road after the release there's gonna be tons of people into CM and looking perhaps for some way to congregate with other CM fans.

Later on, maybe there could be a CM convention!! With hot dogs with mustard, too. Does this seem possible? I live a few hours outside NYC far from my native Brooklyn, but none the less in the North Eastern United States . I mean, I think this game is gonna be BIG. Like Star trek, maybe there should be some kind of conventions like trekkies have. Not soon, but down the road.

Anyways, what do you guys think??? smile.gif

later all.

[This message has been edited by Capt_Manieri (edited 01-28-2000).]

[This message has been edited by Capt_Manieri (edited 01-28-2000).]

[This message has been edited by Capt_Manieri (edited 01-28-2000).]

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Dear Cap'n M,

I would certainly be excited to visit a dedicated CM convention, but might I also suggest a strong CM presence (or CM-sponsored presence) at some of the traditional wargame conventions. I think when many people who shun computer games see CM in action, they will be figuring out how to get their PC upgraded for the best in 3-D effects! wink.gif


Steve C.

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Guest John Pender

Captun shee cana teek enamor, um givin err all shee cun teek.

Capt Manieri you truly do make this forum a better place.

Take care


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Guest Zigster

I'm pretty sure a CM convention would be six guys with a bag of pretzels and a case of beer. Not to belittle your idea, but conventions devoted to a single solitary game just don't seem to happen.


Floreat Jerboa!

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Or we could just all show up at Origins this summer with our computers and take over a corner (with an electrical outlet) in the open gaming hall smile.gif.


Best regards, Major H


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I've been wondering how "big" CM is going to be. I love it (or the beta demo and some reports and promises), but the conventional wisdom is that wargames are a specialty or "niche" type of computer game, and certainly WWII is a specialty within a specialty. What do people think a "big" response would be? Sales of 100,000 in six months? A six-page color spread in PC Gamer or Computer Gaming World? Steve being able to buy a Testosteronsa?

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If I could know ONE thing about CM it would be how many pre-orders are in. 500? 1000? 10,000??? I'm thinking closer to 500. I think if CM is half as big as the CC series these guys may well have their red testero-whatchamajig cars. Consider the low overhead and no publisher eating into their margins.

CC was designed to pander to the 30-min quick fix RTS crowd and made a lot of money that way. Can a game like CM, which requires more serious and time consuming cogitation to play well, maintain the interest of the unwashed yet monied masses? Only time will tell...


ps best of luck battlefront

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I would also be really interested in how many preorders are in, but would understand if BTS sees that as proprietary info.

I'm really wondering if the amount of action and "neat graphics" might appeal to a wider audience...at least the audience of the Close Combat series and maybe more? The game that CM reminds me of most in terms of the tension and involvement in play is X-COM: turn based and planned moves, but with all the tension of watching your moves played out. And, unlike X-COM, you can go and stand next to attacker or attacked, or be overhead, or whatever. When the air sim Battle of Britain (I think that was it) came out years ago, it was a dream come true....a world I could move anywhere in, while the sprites went about their business. CM has that, has lots of neat graphic effects (I've never experienced as effective camera shake with the explosions--has anyone else?), great sound (I still haven't turned off the sound, and I think I've heard "los los los" over 1,000 times now)and I think it is as easy or easier to play than the CC series.

I've never read an instruction book on it...the list of keystrokes which I figured out how to get to on screen in about five seconds was enough for me (it's a no-brainer). I could never have played that way in CC, and I've been playing computer wargames since they started coming out. On the other hand, I'm fascinated by war and WWII and my father was in it so I have an emotional tie, etc. and no objectivity.

But look at the list:

-Excellent 3D world

-Emotionally involving "movies" (like XCOM)

-Neat vehicles and weapons and weapon's efffects

-Easy to learn (beta, anyway)

-Easy to play (I have had almost no frustrations, except when the AI does something I don't agree with, but CAN UNDERSTAND (real important) and adjust to

-Good sound

-Relatively quick (beta) scenarios in solitaire play

Why shouldn't CM get CC's customers? Or even Rainbow Six or Battlezone's customers?

It won't, I expect, and it will be the same reason that Myst sold so many copies when it's a pretty snoozer. Advertising. Word of mouth is good, but I think it will tend to stay within wargamer circles, with a few exceptions.

Incidentally, has anyone tried CM out on a non-wargamer friend? If so, are any of those people planning on buying the game?

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Capt_Manieri:

Later on, maybe there could be a CM convention!! <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Like the Warbirds flyin....

maybe the Las Vegas Hilton (home of the Star Trek Experience)? Could see setting up a turn... and popping down to Quarks for a Romulan Ale!

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The Major's idea about going to Origins is certainly the most reasonble idea. I was (and still am) a big Mystery Science Theater 3000 fan. They had two conventions in Minnesota and I really wish I had the money to go and see in person all the people I had met on-line.

The conventions I HAVE been to have all been really fun. I live in Montana but I wish there was some way to meet at least some of the great people on this board.

For those who wondered. Steve has mentioned that one on-line sale is equivalent to about ten retail sales. I obviously don't have any idea about pre-sales, but I do know that only one of my e-mail opponents has actually posted to this board more than a few times. I suspect there are A LOT of people that have pre-ordered or play the demo and read this board that don't post.


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