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Tactics - Tanks vs. All (Villers -Operation Spoiler)

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So I'm to defeat a british unit which is

mixed which leads with half tracks and

is backed up by tanks, but I have to go

through a lane that has bocage and trees

on the side. I pick off the lead half tracks

and want to keep the momentum going but

the infantry of the half tracks and the

others fromt eh half tracks behind jump off

to the side and become british insignia

markers, meanwhile the stuarts and the shermans run off popping as much smoke as

they can do.

Now as a tanker, this is somewhat stupid

to go charging ahead since there are

infantry all around (broken or unbroken?)

you are a sitting duck for close assaults.

any hints (note you have no infantry support)

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I've only played it once, but you basically have two options:

1) Charge!

2) Back up, take the side roads and flank them. (this is what I did and it worked pretty good.)


"Belly to belly and everything's better" - Russian proverb ;)

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charging, interesting is it the closer the

MG fire gets the deadlier it becomes on

them or is it the fact that the cold steel

is about to run them over? backing up and

flanking them is a long process in the bocage!

what speed do you charge at Hunt or Move?

(I assume at full speed it is really hard to

fire - is there a move-stop-fire-move-stop-fire command?)

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Are you talking about the first battle of the operation? Remeber the Germans basically pop up, by surprise into the middle of a brigade column, which is why you are running into half tracks first. If that's what you mean...

And yes Hunt is the way to go IMO.


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