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Guest Silesian-jaeger

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Guest Silesian-jaeger

This site has the Panzer General III demo, the Waterloo real-time game preview and a Close Combat 5 review (for those who care).

PS. If you look at Close Combat see if you can find a Stug in a beach scene!


"In one (German) town, Private Honey stood next to an

elderly German man and a ten-year-old boy. As the Shermans and brand-new

Pershings rumbled by the boy said,'Deutsches Panzer lind besser.' Honey

looked down at him and asked,'If

German tanks are better,

why aren't they here?' "

quote from Stephen E. Ambrose, "Citizen Soldiers"

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Favorite quote from the CC5 preview:

"Each soldier is armed with a historically accurate weapon, and Atomic seems pretty skilled at assigning valid values to these tools of the trade. You're not likely to find anything grossly out of whack here. Of course, you have to take a lot of the research on faith. It's usually a bit hazy how each weapon affects its target. You'll have to rely on general rules like "machine guns do a good job of killing infantry" and "the 75mm AT gun is better against tanks than the 37mm AT gun," rather than memorizing a chart of attack and defense values—there isn't one."


Did someone compare this to the Ealing comedies? I've shot people for less.

-David Edelstein

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