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Friendly fire - I don't mean misplaced mortar rounds

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Full fog-of-war yet in the demo (I ain't got the game) but no friendly fire.

Do have to say I enjoy the richocets.

Units moving in woods hundreds of metres of way - in close contact with the enemy never draw any fire from other units on the same side.

It was a problem for the Poles especially - didn't British paras (so we are talking well trained troops here) shoot up Polish paras on several occasions during MarketGgarden. At least one group of Polish troops got shot at by both germans and brits (not just crossfire - both sides were aiming at the poor sods).

It also seems you can have several units, including MGs, blazing away at a one storey building thats being entered by a friendly squad and all the entering troopers make it in with not a scratch.

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the reason the poles where shot up at arnhem,and these poles where anti/tank and support troops, was when landing,the drop zones where under attack by germans.the british paras where confronted through smoke an fire by a group of men screaming in a foreign language,no time to ask as the poles also where firing as they ran,as they had no idea where the shooting came from.The actual casulties where minimal

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I have nothing against green infantry in terms of friendly fire. I had a damn StuH cut loose on an infantry squad and the squad's HQ!!

The squad had just taken a hilltop about 100m in front of the StuH and was mopping up the remaining US infantry when a previously undetected MG team cut loose from a nearby clump of woods. The bullets rang off the StuH's armor, causing the TC to button up. Apparently the StuH's crew looked out their periscopes, dimly saw infantry-looking figures (friendly!) in the general direction of the incoming fire's origin, and decided they were having none of that.


3 or 4 dazed and panicking men from the squad were all that remained.

Gah, I love this game!


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Degrees of Frost,

I can say from bitter experience in the gold demo that not lifting a 105mm barrage at the right time can cut a relief force of 30 to 14 in one turn.

Goanna can verify my stupidity.


We are both men of action. Lies do not become us. — Westley

[This message has been edited by Moriarty (edited 06-23-2000).]

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Oh friendly fire sure is in.

Just march two companies of Green troops towards eachother at night from about 300 metres away from eachother and have a few MGs fire at where they should meet ( just to get them spooked).

I'm willing to bet that the majority of your troops will simply shoot eachother up. It's great fun to watch.

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