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Capt. Manieri is back...armed with more questions.

Guest Captain Manieri

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Guest Kettle Black

Nicotine... Here in Sweden the thing you do is take snuff instead of smoke fags. Our taxes are so bad no one in the US can even begin to grasp it. For everything. 5$ a pack for fags... After a 10 year study financed by our government who is doing everything it can to make smokers quit it was discovered (2 years ago methinks) that snuff does not give you cancer. The reason is that burning tobacco created the cancerogenous substances,while moisture does not. Snuff is not good for you, but it doesn't kill you (or anyone else). I kicked smoking 16 months ago, couldn't handle it (temper got nasty), started doing snuff and feel fine. Next step is kicking snuff... wink.gif

Fionn, has this report/info reached the US?

If you're interested I'll dig it up for you.

Very OT indeed... My apologies for not letting this die.


Kettle Black

"The End? With practically everyone still on their feet? Over my dead body!"

The Player, "Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are dead"

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Guest Mikeman

Thanks for the in-depth response, Fionn. I have always wondered how doctors handled the terminally ill that suffered extreme pain and wanted to end it. I've always been somewhat on Kevorkian's side until he actually killed a guy on TV. It seems to me the procedure you outlined would be all that is necessary for a doctor to be 'helpful'.

Capt. Manieri,

Don't listen to the non-smokers if you don't want. Listen to a pack and a half per day man, like me. By the time you hit 40 you will know that smoking is messing with your body. Your body will tell you. You won't need to hear it from anyone else. Quit while you're young. It gets more difficult later in life. BTW, welcome back. The forum is a little more interesting when Mascot Manieri is around. smile.gif

To get somewhat back on topic, I just recently watched SPR for the second time and was puzzled by a scene. When the medic got severely wounded, after the squad attacked a machine gun nest, they worked feverishly on him. When the wounded medic asked for morphine there was a dramatic pause as the guys looked at each other. They then proceeded to administer several morphine shots. The scene gives one the impression that morphine was used to put the terminally wounded out of their misery. While they were actively trying to save him no one even thought of morphine for the pain. It's almost like morphine was reserved for the dying. Was this true?

Mikeman out.

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Ol' Blood & Guts,

I agree with you as regards where research dollars should be spent. I always support spending it to help those who had no hand in creating their condition.


Sorry about that... I honestly hadn't considered that people with family who had died like that might read the post. It was an oversight and I apologise.

Kettle Black,

Actually I'm not American. I'm Flemish/Irish. AFAIK snuff won't cause lung cancer HOWEVER it WILL cause skin cancer in the region around the nose in the same way that chewing tobacco causes TONGUE cancer (VERY NASTY).


Yup, Kevorkian challenged the law directly (which wasn't smart IMO). Most doctors simply obey the letter of the law but see their first duty as being to their patients. The two are not always reconcilable and when they can't be reconciled most doctors will, I hope, opt for helping the patient.

As for the SPR scene. Those Morphine syringes were titrated such that ONE syringe was sufficient to basically block the pain from a shotgun wound and other serious injury. Soldiers were told that under extreme cases 2 syringes might be needed but that any more would result in the death of the person injected.

The reason for the pause was that they KNEW that once he asked for Morphine he wasn't asking for only 1 syringe. He was asking to be eased out.

It wasn't at all uncommon and, in fact, there were several cases during 1944 in which British court martials acquited men who shot wounded comrades in order to put them out of their misery. Most men were smart enough to shoot their wounded comrades out of sight of officers etc though so only a TINY minority of such cases went to court martial. It should be noted that even that tiny minority was sufficient to be noted and commented upon.

As with all things similar to this it is obviously much more common than civilians/non-doctors know.

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Guest Kettle Black

"Kettle Black,

Actually I'm not American. I'm Flemish/Irish. AFAIK snuff won't cause lung cancer HOWEVER it WILL cause skin cancer in the region around the nose in the same way that chewing tobacco causes TONGUE cancer (VERY NASTY)."

Yeah I knew you weren't from the US, sorry, don't know why I wrote like that. The main interesting thing about this study was that no correlation could be proved for snuff causing ANY kind of cancer. The cancerogenous substances ONLY appear when tobacco is burning. That was the main conclusion of the study. Apparently the results has not been published internationally. About 30% of all Swedish tobacco users only use snuff so it's a large industry here. It still is something you'd be better off without though.

I'll shut up now and do a search for why zook teams can run but schreck teams can't...


Kettle Black

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Kettle Black:

I'll shut up now and do a search for why zook teams can run but schreck teams can't...


Kettle Black<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

60mm vs. 88mm is my guess...


Floreat Jerboa !

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Kettle Black,

Hmm, I don't agree and here's why.

Chewing tobacco has been proven to cause tongue cancer (and cancer in the gums and cheek). It has been shown that chewing tobacco causes cancer in the areas that the chewing tobacco touched.

Chewing tobacco is never lit THUS it can be shown that unlit tobacco can, when brought into contact with a bodily area, cause cancer to develop in that area. It occurs over a LONG time though so maybe the study's lifespan wasn't long enough..

Was its lifespan less than 20 years? That'd be enough to show cancer rates due to smoking but not rates for non-smoking contact with tobacco.

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Guest Kettle Black

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Fionn:

Kettle Black,

Was its lifespan less than 20 years? That'd be enough to show cancer rates due to smoking but not rates for non-smoking contact with tobacco.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Correct. The study had a lifespan of 10 years.

Now about those zooks and schrecks...

A panzerschreck IIRC weighs 1 kg more than a zook. Ammo would be heavier but schrecks carry 5 grenades, zook teams 8. I've been trained on the Carl-Gustav grenade launcher and let me assure you that it is indeed possible to run for quite some time with that weapon anyway. I've done it in deep (well 1 meter deep, we mostly used skis in snow) snow even.

The weight of the C-G is somewhere around 14-15 kg.

My point would be that if you can run with a zook you can run with a schreck. Or if you can't run with a schreck you can't run with a zook either. I've failed to find any discussions (yes I searched) on this here. Can someone fill me in on this?

Kettle Black

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Guest Germanboy

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Kettle Black:

Now about those zooks and schrecks...

I've failed to find any discussions (yes I searched) on this here. Can someone fill me in on this?

Kettle Black<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Noooooooooo, not the zook/schreck/running discussion again...... About to pull the pin out of the grenade to blow myself to smithereens just to avoid the pain... smile.gif

Oh, just found the thread:




[This message has been edited by Germanboy (edited 02-15-2000).]

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