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A Couple Of Questions On Vehicle Mounted MGs

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1. It's my understanding that the Humber scout car had a 15mm machine gun. However, as far is I can tell in the game it's armed with a generic .30 cal. Why is that?

2. Is there any way to know the FP rating of vehicle mounted MGs? I assume that, unless otherwise stated, all German MGs are MG42 or 34s. However, are they given the FP rating for the light or heavy configuration? Or something in between? How about the allied .30 cal?


No, there will be no sequels. Charles and Steve have given up wargame design in disgust and have gone off to Jamaica to invest their new-found wealth in the drug trade. -Michael emrys

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Vanir:

1. It's my understanding that the Humber scout car had a 15mm machine gun. However, as far is I can tell in the game it's armed with a generic .30 cal. Why is that?

2. Is there any way to know the FP rating of vehicle mounted MGs? I assume that, unless otherwise stated, all German MGs are MG42 or 34s. However, are they given the FP rating for the light or heavy configuration? Or something in between? How about the allied .30 cal?


Just a historical note:

Most, if not all, German armored viehicles had MG34s mount on/in them. The MG34 was more prone to jammin' from dirt and the like so it was used in vehicles. The MG42 was an excellent and very dependable gun therefore infantry were outfitted with it in general.


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Wasn't there more than one type of Humber AC? (or am I confusing myself?) I thought there was one earlier type with a 15mm Besa mounted in a small turret and another (the one in the game) that was a little itty bitty scout car with just a .30cal BMG.


"Belly to belly and everything's better" - Russian proverb ;)

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The Humber I was talking about is this one


but thats a Humber Armoured car, not a scout car? It does have a 15mm gun as well as a 7.92mm Besa.

But I don't think this is the one in the game.

Picture taken from AFVs by Philip Trewhitt (1999), pub by Dempsey Park, London

oops sorry about the open html tag

[This message has been edited by Private Pike (edited 09-01-2000).]

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Hmm... Good info guys. But, no one has addressed my second question. I guess there is no way to determine Fire Power ratings for vehicle mounted machine guns in the game unless BTS posts them somewhere? Looks like German MGs are MG34s which had a slower rate of fire than the MG42. Is this modeled or is it treated as the same as the MG42? If so, the light or heavy configuration or something else?


No, there will be no sequels. Charles and Steve have given up wargame design in disgust and have gone off to Jamaica to invest their new-found wealth in the drug trade.

-Michael emrys

[This message has been edited by Vanir (edited 09-01-2000).]

[This message has been edited by Vanir (edited 09-01-2000).]

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