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Parade rest , POTD on CMHQ

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I was checking out the PARADE REST picture of the day on CMHQ and started thinking about a couple different things.

I know it was sort of a joke, but that is the best POTD so far. By the looks of it, there seems to be no limit to what we will be able to do with the scenario editor.

Looking at that picture leads me to believe you could actually make a Stalingrad scenario,... oops wrong front,.... anyway, I was wondering if there is a limit of units CM can effectively keep track of. Or the limit the AI can effectively keep track of.

Or will the limit of units on the map be up to how much our video cards and CPU's can handle?


Better to make the wrong decision than be the sorry son of a bitch to scared to make one at all

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Well, there are no coded limits to my knowledge - so a search revealed, but obviously practicality and hardware constraints. Fionn mentioned of a battle with a regiment of infantry and around a battallion of tanks eek.gif Also, one of the other testers mentioned he created a battle with 100 tanks - just to see if it cound be done. Apparently it could, but turn calculations took around 5 mins IIRC biggrin.gif


krm - King of useless posts;)

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Guest Madmatt

There is a HARD limit but no one seems to be cedrtain just exactly what that limit is. When I first entered these hallowed ranks of testers that was one of the first things I tried. I created thee monster battles to see how big I could make them. At first I thought that limit was point based but I debunked that idea by changing the unit's exeperience levels and almost doubling the total points per side. I asked Charles about this and he said that there WAS a MAXIMUM limit to the total amount of units you can have in one battle but that he didn't remember what that number was and my guess is thats it is also based on the map sizae (you aint gonna fit 5 battalions in a 200x200 map!).

I have done up battles with HUNDREDS of tanks and one engagment that had something like 6 infantry Battalions versus 4 motorized so you can certainly throw alot on the map if you want. Is the game slow with these MEGA-Battles? Umm, well YEAH! Is it playable though? For me? YES, yes it was...



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