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A couple weeks ago someone on the board was

talking about building a scenario based on a scene from the movie "The Longest Day". The particular scene was the one when a French unit got pinned in a small town with a canal and had to get some tank support to silence a Pak unit held up in a hotel. Anyone know if person ever built the scenario and if it is posted anywhere?


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Yeah, it's the Ouisterham (sp ?) scenario. You can find a lot of user created scenarios at CombatHQ:


Click on the "CMHQ Scenario Depot" on the left hand panel. This takes you to the listing of scenarios. It's very slow to load most of the time, so you'll need patience. Clicking on the scenario's name will take you to a page to read a summary about the scenario and download it. You can even rate the scenario.

Another good site for scenarios is Col. Klotz's ASL conversions:


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