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HELP! Attack of PC stupids !!

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Okay, go easy, I have screwed up bigtime!

Somebody tell me what I have managed to do and how to fix it (if possible):

Downloaded the 1.04 patch

In an beer induced stupor I had trouble setting it up through Windows Explorer

Messed it up & moved too many files around, I think

Well, finally got it to work BUT....

My saved scenario design of Arnhem will not open in 'create your own' then 'load'

The file name is sitting there BUT...

When I try to 'load' it-- nothing

Man I am an idiot! Advice on what I pucked-up wold be appreciated... Smart arse comments included...


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1st thing I would check is if it is the real .cmb file or just a shortcut to it. Right click on it in Explorer to see which kind it is.


"Belly to belly and everything's better" - Russian proverb wink.gif

[This message has been edited by IntelWeenie (edited 08-22-2000).]

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Thanks Intel,

After further review, I believe in tweaking & testing, and tweaking & testing, I screwed up and saved an 'untitled' scenario file over Arnhem.

I cannot be certain, but there goes a couple of weeks work. The map was good too.

CHIT!! Alas, I drink a homebrew in sorrow...

%@##!!:$^)!!!%%%%%%!!!%**%$#^**^%#$ !!!!!

Now depression sets in...

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I know how you feel, I did the same thing. After only 2 days work, and about 10 hours on the map. Nothing compared to the time you have put on you own map. After that I save my map with "Bkup" at the end of the name (Eagles Bridge Bkup) and place it into a separate folder on my hard drive. That way if I uninstall or have similar trouble to what happened to you, the map is safe in the backup file and folder. Hope you can remake the map, it sounds like a good scenario.


Semper Fi.

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Rules 1,2,3 in scenario and mapmaking. Backup, backup and backup.

That's nothing David. Three nights ago I was fooling around in the device manager in Windows for my video controls and I lost all of my driver resources. Nothing worked and I had to call Compaq service and they had me go back two days in my registry and reload my drivers. Scared the p.... out of me.


Blessed be the Lord my strength who teaches my hands to war and my fingers to fight.

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