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Another one for the wish list


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I don't know if grunts are automatically given the cover of a fighting position but I sure would like a button that takes about 5 minutes to dig a hasty fighting position.

I know there is an entrenchment option but that is something big. Just a request for the infamous list.

Also claymores would be nice to be laid by grunts in a hasty defense.

Hey is there some kind of funky smoke that is made of a material that defeats thermal sights?

Okay, nuff for now.

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Originally posted by minmax:

I don't know if grunts are automatically given the cover of a fighting position but I sure would like a button that takes about 5 minutes to dig a hasty fighting position.

I know there is an entrenchment option but that is something big. Just a request for the infamous list.

I am pretty sure that this is below the scale of the game, although you could make a compelling argument for it. I often wonder about the wish list and just how long it is and what is on it with the Majors so often reply that is it is on the list and it has a low priority!

Dennis Huff

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Originally posted by minmax:

Hey is there some kind of funky smoke that is made of a material that defeats thermal sights?

You can set that in the options before the first combat round. But for all sides at the same time, the only detail is that you can have different settings for artillery smoke and vehicle smoke.
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