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exit light, enter night (time warfare)

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Hi Lordfluffers -

I like eye candy, so I do enjoy playing with the Fog Effect on. When I see the Fog Effect on my monitor, it rather looks like a Fade to White transition.

I would also enjoy playing with a proposed Night Effect. I guess that would equate to a Fade to Black or Gray transition. No doubt this is almost pure Eye Candy, but if there is an option to represent fog visually, why not night?

Burning buildings/vehicles probably should have an effect on LOS during Night battles. Representing this dynamic lighting effect in CM would probably be a bit harder to achieve. Would the dynamic lighting visual effect convey useful information in terms of game play?

Hey mensch!

Please don't let some potential flame idiot discourage you from posting your ideas.

This subject always seems to turn into a Eye Candy vs. Visual Abstraction debate. Nothing wrong with that because, while I often find myself in favor of more Eye Candy, I have reversed my own opinion on some stuff after reading something from the folks that would rather see more effort going into other game components (like TCP/IP or CM2, etc.).

My $.02



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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Maj. Bosco:

As for the original suggestion, it sounds like you want a Warcraft/Starcraft uncovering the terrain type effect? I can't figure out exactly what you want coded. Thicker fog so that units appear indistinct? You could just turn the bright and contrast way down on your monitor. That'll give you about the effect you're looking for.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

No, Major Boscoe, just the fog effect made black, so things fade like the way they do when its foggy in CM. Just so you cant see terrain several miles away.

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Guest Big Time Software

OK, I understand what people are getting confused about here.

Lordfluffers is asking for a graphical change to have a night/fog effect. This shouldn't be too hard to do. He is not asking for a Relative Spotting change, which would be a fundamentally HUGE coding task. Therefore, the night/fog suggestion has been noted smile.gif

Dynamic lighting is something that will have to wait for a game engine rewrite. This will no doubt include game/visual effects for flares, fires, sun, etc. Unfortunately, this is not something we plan on putting into CM in the near future. Most hardware today can't even hack it if we did.


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I envision Lordfluffers request to be one similar to the way Baldur's Gate handles the fog of war. Are you familiar with that game Lordfluffers? If so, then I certainly agree. I played a scenario where, even though I (as the all seeing God of the game) could see units, my actual fighting crew could not. It was a nighttime/fog scenario that I can't remember the name of at the current time, all I'll say is that it was extremely frustrating. I'd rather not see the enemy units at all, and just have a contact identifier somewhere "out there" in the "fog". A grayed out portion of the map, as it were. The terrain features are known due to maps/scouting, so it wouldn't be totally black, but what is actually there is not visible to the units nor the player, enhancing the experience, at least for me... smile.gif Big picture: minor quibble eye candy stuff, just suggesting ways to improve my gaming Nirvana... wink.gif

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No Bigmac, Ok follow the steps...

1.) Remember how the current CMBO fog looks like?

2.) Make the gray/white fog pixels black.

3.) Add new 'black fog' to night time battles and...

Voila you have the scenery slowly fading into the darkness. No changes to the way you see units, no changes in LOS just a beautiful night time feeling.

Got it?

[This message has been edited by Lordfluffers (edited 11-28-2000).]

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