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Everything posted by FlyMolo

  1. Ah, but when CM2 comes out the 'standard' video card will be a GeForce, which can handle those big textures
  2. Actually... for the money the GF2mx is the best choice. As for the extra RAM, unless you're running Windows NT you won't see any extra performance. W9x and Me don't know how to use more than 128MB of ram.
  3. hehe... yeah I will too. That's one thing CC has over CM ... uh ... yeah. Command tanks.
  4. Or.... you can go and get a GeForce 2mx 32MB, which has equivalent performance, can be overclocked almost as fast as a standard GF2, and costs approximately $90. hmmm... take your pick
  5. But burning buildings would also present a bright contrast to the surroundings, ruining night vision and lowering LOS still more. I personally can see further at night without a flashlight... same goes for WWII.
  6. I play Close Combat 2 & 3 occasionally when the mood strikes me, but only with historical-accuracy mods like West Front and RealPARA. CC1 is still the best, but it's too outdated for me
  7. Erm... when is the TCP/IP patch coming out, anyway?
  8. Any reason you need to find mac players only? I thought that the PBEM files were platform-independent.
  9. oh my god! it's Canuck! lol Nice to see ya here. Just ordered my copy
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