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Map and supply changes IN scenarios?

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I'm not sure how this is going to work in the final game, but I have this plan to convert an old boardgame that I have into a CM "operation" (i.e. linked scenarios covering, say, 3 or 4 days).

This game (Objective Schmidt) focuses on the US 112th Infantry Regiment's assault on the town of Schmidt, and the German counterattacks by the 89th Infantry and 116th PzDivision from November 2nd to 6th, 1944 taking place in the Hurtgen forest

However, I've already encountered several problems. The first one is this. There is call for 'a portion of map' (the Kall trail, this was designated the main divisional supply route, and axis of advance. It was totally unsuited) that first needs to be occupied by US troops. That's easy. Then I need some Engineers to 'improve the trail,' meaning that it, within 24 hours, becomes semi-passable, and later fully passable for armoured vehicles (tanks in this case).

The problem here is that I need a portion of the map to change between Impassable to semi-passable to fully passable between two or three scenarios. Does that mean I have to create a new map and edit it, and is it indeed posibble to use a different map in (technically) the same scenario?

OK, second problem. more interesting I think. Any US unit that made it past this Kall trail I just mentioned crosses the Kall, a small, but impassable stream (there's a bridge of course). After that they need to be supplied via the Kall trail (originally using Weasels, but I don't even know if they're in the game. not much point really...). The Germans won't like that and are guaranteed to take steps. Ammo might be expended faster than expected. And supplies may not be able to arrive...

So how would that work? Supplies may, or may not arrive in a given scenario. Which means that if you play as the US player and lose the Kall trail, or your precious weasels, you may, or may not have a supply of ammo for the next scenario. Would it be possible (it sounds really Panzer General, I know) to have multiple 'scenariolinks' depending on the outcome. In the sense that if you win 'scenario 1' you will continue with 'scenario 1A,' whereas if you'd lose you'd continue with 'scenario 1B?'

I know it's all a bit chaotic, and maybe I don't make a lot of sense, but I hope you all catch my meaning, and can supply me with some answers.



[This message has been edited by Juju (edited 04-20-2000).]

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Sure you could have a branching-tree path for the operation. You would have to be ready to update the map manually to take into account changes on the trail, etc. Also, supply only "happens" between scenarios, so you'd have to be ready to fiddle about with the force setup to reflect your judgments about how much supply arrives.


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You may be interested in seeing what we are doing with the Combat Mission Meta Campaign (CMMC) hosted on the CMHQ website. All of the supply, intel and artillery rules you are going to need to model your operation are being written for CMMC. These rules will be posted for players on the website and more indepth rules will be available to GM's. Stay tuned to CMHQ - a lot of this will be posted in the near future.

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