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Q for Steve: video playback - frame by frame?

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A while ago Matt told us on CMHQ that we would be able to do 1 sec. jumps back and forth when watching the video.

Will it be possible to do a fram-by-fram playback (or, say 0.1 sec jumps)? If you have the code for 1 sec jumps, it shouldn't be to hard to implement (I guess/hope).

Perhaps something to add in CM2...? smile.gif



Our's is not to reason "why", our's is but to do and die!

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Guest Big Time Software

Hi Hawk,

Not sure what that would be useful for. The one second frame by frame setup we have now catches all the info you might need in a very picky replay situation.

Colin, this absolutely will be done, but most likely not for 1.0. Charles is still trying to figure out if there is some quick and dirty way to do it for the first release, but probably not. This will be Item #2 on for the first update (excepting any significant bugs) right behind Internet head to head play.


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I don't usually pile on with "me too" posts, but in this case I shall biggrin.gif

CM cries out for the full battle replay feature, and it will be awesome when implemented. I'm glad to hear that it's been given such high priority.


Rob Varak


Site on Sound: The Web's Premier Site For Musical Discussion


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You know what you gotta do this year sometime, Steve, after getting a "full replay" feature into CM? Take a completed game file to a game convention, set up a computer, and let the thing play (where interested players can use the mouse to change viewpoints). Then at an adjoining computer, set up a fresh CM game for people to try on a turn-by-turn basis.

I will wager that you will HOOK a lot of new gamers that way. A LOT. wink.gif

If you're not far removed from Lancaster, Pennsylvania, I would heartily recommend that you put Historicon '00 (likely in July) on your agenda.


[This message has been edited by Spook (edited 03-10-2000).]

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Well, I started thinking about how to make AVI (or similar) videos from a battle. If you could view indevidual frames, it would be quite easy to capture them. Of course, it would be a lot of work creating it! smile.gif

A full-lenght viedo option is of course very much apreciated! biggrin.gif



Our's is not to reason "why", our's is but to do and die!

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