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Hidden Crews on 88s

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I can't remember who posted the idea of hiding 88 crews until M4s are sighted, but it seemed to have worked. just played R/berg, left crews hidden util both guns could open up together. It took two returns but each gun got 2 shermans each then I lost one gun to a mortar. BTW won total axis victory for the first time playing this scenario as the jerries. biggrin.gif

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Guest Big Time Software

Great smile.gif Just keep in mind that your victory level was likely lower due to some bad variables in the Beta Demo. You probably still won, but possibly only with a Minor Victory.


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The gun is assumed to be somewhat camo'ed, so as long as it's not shooting, it's well nigh invisible at hundreds of meters. Once it shoots, they blow their cover.

The crew has a foxhole assigned to the position. If they're hiding, they can't shoot on their own (without your orders) so the 88 stays incognito until you're ready. Same tactic you use to keep green infantry units from firing prematurely.

[This message has been edited by Mark IV (edited 01-10-2000).]

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Never put AFV's on Hide, at least not on the demo. I had a StuG on hide, thinking that they will just tone down the engine or crew noise. However, to my dismay they do everything they can to avoid enemy contact. 1 Sherman came over the hill, my tank fired smoke and turned in a semi-circle leaving it's left side in the open to the enemy which promptly blew the StuG up.

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Guest Big Time Software

Bill, when you "Hide" something like an 88 you are telling the crew:

1. Don't fire unless you have to

2. Don't make any motion that might attract attention

3. Keep down, but be ready for action

You'd be surprised how easy the eye can detect motion at great distances. If 8 men were milling about beside their gun someone might notice that. But if they were keeping still(ish) and under cover for the most part, that possible tip off is eliminated.

For vehicles it is similar to the above, but the concentration is keeping the vehicle still and the engine at idle. You would be surprised how soft the sound is from a tank that is sitting still. But once that baby goes to rev up, big difference smile.gif


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