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Last Lingering Bug List before CM2

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Guest Madmatt

I just ran a test and setup multiple ambush markers. Only the ones I was actively targeting persisted in the next turn.

I also checked and tested a little situation where I snuck up on the enemy who were targeting an amush marker and I could not see that anymore, so that is fixed, as reported.


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Personally, I prefer this behavior. This way, I can use an HQ to quickly create multiple ambush points, and then go back to select the combat units to target the points. Also, if you mistakenly cancel a unit's targetting of an ambush marker and the HQ has since gone elsewhere, your ambush marker would be gone. I'm not in favor of penalizing players for hitting a wrong key; I want to make my mistakes tactically, not in the game interface.


Leland J. Tankersley

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Incorrect. One HQ can set multiple ambush points. I do this, for example, to set up a line of closely-spaced ambush points in front of a platoon-sized position. Each squad/weapons team targets a different ambush marker. I believe it was at least intended that units targetting an ambush marker would open up if a nearby ambush was triggered. This technique effectively increases my ambush frontage (or it would if anyone ever walked into my ambushes) tongue.gif .


Leland J. Tankersley

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by L.Tankersley:

One HQ can set multiple ambush points. I do this, for example, to set up a line of closely-spaced ambush points in front of a platoon-sized position. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Yeah, I just discovered this. Cool. Now Xenir, be a nice lad and walk into it, eh wink.gif


Jeff Abbott

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While I'm posting in this thread-here's an odd thing: I was doing a gunnery test bed on 1.05, involving Hetzers vs Shermans. The results varied considerably.

I ported it over to 1.1B.

Now every time it's the same outcome- as if it were canned. Odd, huh?

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I repeated the test several times and got identical outcomes each time. 6 disabled Shermans and 4 disabled Hetzers. This didn't happen with 1.05. It's seems scripted as if the engine's using a different routine.

Maybe I'm hallucinating. Can anyone else confirm a similiar test on 1.1?

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Anyone notice in sp games the AI stopping just short of ambush markers. Just had a game where a whole armour units would go down a road until it reached til just before my ambush marker then back up the road. This continued until the marker was removed.

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One of the charms of CM pre-1.1 was saving a turn, say, against the AI before the movie and being entertained by the different results each time it played out. Sometimes the AT gun took out the Sherman, sometimes not. Now you get the identical outcome after a save as if the random variables were fixed before the movie. Weird.

I surprised no-one else has picked up on this. Or maybe it's the Love virus in my PC- I don't know.

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