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CM Scenario Database v2.0 Now Available!!


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Well, seeing as we Canadians had our Thanksgiving a month ago and I know what you will be going through, I thought all you Americans will need something to read while you're laying bloated on the couch from too much turkey.

Bloated, hmmm, that's what my little database is becoming, and its only going to get worse as I keep adding stuff I'm afraid. I'm not sure if its even printable now, but if you want it, I've got it.

Drop me a line, reply here, or send a pigeon.


ps. You will now need Excel 97+ or the viewer available at http://officeupdate.microsoft.com/2000/downloadDetails/xlviewer.htm to access it now.

pps. I promise, it will be on a website soon, I just don't know when. Maybe they're waiting for me to quit screwing with it...?

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I almost forgot, anyone who asked to be on my mailing list should have received it by now. If you haven't, please contact me and I'll get it out ASAP.

You will want this database, as there are now 45 Ops and 405 scenarios listed. It is becoming fairly comprehensive now, with website names, urls, and author's name & e-mail address. The author's play recommendations will be added soon, followed by terrain screenshots if I can make it work.


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There is good news for anyone using (or thinking of using) StarOffice. I've received reports that the database works equally well with it, and I'm also told it is free.

Hopefully this is true with Jason McGrody's excellent Unit Database as well, as then people will be able to access everything with little cost involved.

Please jump in here with more info if you are using StarOffice, or even the Excel reader.


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Great Craig,

And another little thing I just remembered, that not all know how to do in excel.

Can you set Autofilter (select Filter/Autofilter in excel 2k), so that all columns have little drop down lists on top so that e.g. the scens that have mud are shown.

Thanks for a very good tool Craig.


My squads are regular, must be the fibre in the musli...

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Version 2.4 of the database should now be in the hands of everyone who requested it. If you're on the list but haven't received it yet, drop me a line.

I figure I've put well over 200 hours into the database so far, so I think I'm going to take a little break until at least next weekend before I do much more with it.

I have been informed that it will be hosted on *a soon to be named website* in early-mid December, so there will probably only be one more direct update from me, and then all future updates will be available from there only. If you would like to have it now, reply here or e-mail me, and I'll get it out to you ASAP.

Again, please tell me if I need to add or change anything, as I'm sure that tunnel vision is setting in, and a fresh perspective always helps.

Thank you,

Craig Harvey

-- Remember, if life was easy, everyone would be doing it --

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