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What is the definitive answer concerning TCP/IP?

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I have read a few threads, but it's hard to piece together what is happening exactly- is a demo w/ TCP/IP going to be released before the patch for TCP/IP or what? Are there going to be compatibility issues? Is it a beta release? How come CM 2 and TCP/IP are mentioned in the same paragraph without CM being mentioned in the same quote? Just some questions that I hope you's guys don't mind answering... Thanks in advance.


"Childhood's over the moment you know you're going to die." -The Crow

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"is a demo w/ TCP/IP going to be released before the patch for TCP/IP or what? "

A demo? No. A *patch* is being released, and it will upgrade your full version to allow TCP/IP play.

"Are there going to be compatibility issues?

Is it a beta release?"

No different than with other patches.

And the TCP/IP portion is a BETA.

"How come CM 2 and TCP/IP are mentioned in the same paragraph without CM being mentioned in the same quote?"

I have no idea what you are referring to about CM2. CM2 isn't even in the picture here.

Did you read the long note BTS posted last week about the upcoming patch? It was pretty clear.

[This message has been edited by Phoenix (edited 11-25-2000).]

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