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Superted's tournament revived

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Superted’s tournament had reached the semi-final stage when the man disappeared. After searching high and low for him I decided it would be a shame to let his tourney die like that. I attempted to contact the four semi-finalists and managed to reach Yankeedog, voidhawk and Dinga. Smokey was not to be found so I recruited Jim Liang, who had previously pulled out and had been replaced by Smokey.

These four players agreed to continue the tournament. I built two scenarios for the semis based on the ‘philosophy’ that had been more or less apparent in the battles I had fought in the same tournament.

The Grand Final should start within a week. Jim has already secured his slot, Dinga and voidhawk are currently fighting tooth and nail to decide who will face him.

The AARs for the semis will be posted here, as will the AAR for the Grand Final.

Oh, and the contestants would like to remind the makers of CMBO that a Grand Prize was promised at the launch of Superted’s tournament. They cannot agree however whether it was an all-singing all-dancing trip to Hawaii or a set of posters smile.gif .

Chris Walker.

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So as to not clutter up this topic, I have posted my AAR under a new topic called "Superted's Tournament Revived - Dinga's AAR". This is purely due to the lenght of the AAR.

I would like to publically express my appreciation to Chris Walker for resurrecting the tournament. You have done a fantastic job. tongue.gif;):D:D :cool: smile.gif

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Results update and summary:

After losing Opportunity Knocks to Dinga by 28 points, voidhawk valiantly clawed back 9 points in the extremely hard-fought Race to Hogartin scenario. Well played voidhawk, and well done Dinga, who advances to the Grand Final where he meets

Jim Liang, who accepted YankeeDog’s surrender in Opportunity Knocks. Jim and YankeeDog did not play Race for Hogartin :( .

Special awards:

Special ‘Best Traffic Control’ award: YD

Special ‘Most Entertaining Traffic Control ;) ’ award: Dinga

Special ‘Always Just A Few Seconds Late :rolleyes: ’ award: VH

Special ‘Appalling Luck With AFVs :rolleyes: ’ award: VH

Special ‘Most Aggressive Commander’ award: Dinga & YD

Special ‘Most Circumspect Commander’ award: JL

Special ‘Most Frustrating Mail Provider :mad: ’ award: JL

Special ‘Most Paranoid Tournament Manager :rolleyes: ’ award: me

Special 'Longest Ever AAR' award: Dinga

(for his 70,000-character :eek: Opportunity Knocks AAR)

The official tournament bracket is


Thanks Chuck!

The Grand Final is under way (sort of... :rolleyes: ). Good luck to Dinga and Jim!

Chris Walker

[ March 07, 2003, 07:56 AM: Message edited by: Walker ]

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  • 2 weeks later...

AAR for “Race for Hogartin”

Once again, sorry about the length...I find it difficult to make them any shorter and cover everything in enough detail.

The map consisted of a town in the middle with a large flag, and surrounded by fairly heavy treed areas. At each end of the map a river runs across the board and a single bridge crosses it. There is a single road into the town from each end of the map in the middle. At the bridge on each end of the map is a small flag.

A single road ran parallel with the back of the map at each end of the map and joined, at a “T” intersection, the single road running into the town. The terrain from the north and south ends of the map were heavily treed and impassable for vehicles. This made the road the only means of entering the town. There were a couple of small crossings through which infantry could move though.

My initial impressions were a ‘meeting engagement’ where it was a race for the town and the big flag. (How wrong I was)

Turn 1

Began with forces on the right rear of the map near the road in a tired condition. I immediately plotted for them to run along the road to the town. Initial forces consisted of 2 platoons of rifle infantry and their associated paits/mortars, and one sharpshooter.

Turn 2 and 3

My men continued to move along the road towards the town nearing the “T” intersection to the road that would take them into the town. It was at the end of this turn that I thought to myself, “Gosh, its going to be a while before we make contact, I wonder why we started so far back?”

At the beginning of turn 3 I received a rifle platoon on the left side of the map near the road in a tired condition. I began marching them along the road towards the town also.

Turn 4

Well my questions were answered almost immediately this turn began. Coming along the road from the left side of the map (same end of the map) are 2 platoons of German infantry and we meet for a casual “chat” at the “T” intersection. The initial “chat” goes very well for me with VH loosing virtually 1 platoon and me taking only a couple of losses. From that point on lady luck decides to pay me back for the last game, and VH’s forces begin to overpower mine. At the end of the turn I have lost over half my infantry with the remainder in exposed positions. Another 2 of the squads were in a panicked state. From what I could tell VH still had almost 1 platoon full of infantry.

One possible reason for my losses in this skirmish was possibly due to most of my men being in a ‘weary’ condition due to me initially running them. Added to this was the early loss of my company and platoon HQs. Once my men came under fire and became pinned, they never really recovered until they eventually ran from the conflict with heavy losses.

At the beginning of this turn I also received another rifle platoon in a tired condition on the right side of the map near the middle. I began marching them toward the town.

Turn 5

The rest of my men panicked soon after this turn began except for the remnants of one crack squad who where eliminated during the move. At the end of this turn what was left of my 2 platoons was torn, tattered and panicked.

The recently arrived platoon on the rear left of the map I continued to move along the road towards where the engagement had just occurred. I wanted to put some pressure on VH in this area and not give him control of that small flag so soon.

My sharpshooter, which I had fortunately diverted earlier, moved to a small group of trees overlooking the bridge near where all the fighting had occurred. I wanted him to give me information about what VH was doing with his men in that area and whether he was moving any of these forces into the town.

The platoon that had arrived near the middle of the map continued to move towards the town. I wanted to try and get control of that flag if it was possible. This game I felt would rest on control of the big flag. I guessed that VH was probably receiving the same sort of reinforcements at around the same time and in a corresponding position. I therefore worked on the assumption that VH would be doing much the same thing. I felt that if I could get my men in position in the town then later I may be able to sneak some men towards the far small flag.

Turn 6

This turn saw VH wisely moving his infantry around and mopping up my forces that had become broken. There was some resistance put up, but VH managed to inflict more damage. The rest of my troop continued to move to their predetermined positions.

I had now become very cautious after the little surprise and was not so keen to rush men into positions where I didn’t know what VH was doing. My main aims were now to get intelligence on where VH’s men were and to try and get a defence set up in the town if I could get there first. The problem was going to be that I didn’t feel I had enough men in the single platoon to hold the town from an attack, but maybe I could inflict some heavy casualties and even things up again.

Turn 7

At the beginning of this turn I received more reinforcements on the rear right of the map. These consisted of 3 platoons of infantry, however each platoon consisted of only 2 squads of infantry and their commanders. Also received 3 trucks towing 105mm howitzers, 1 vickers machine gun, 1 flamethrower and a HQ commander. I immediately began moving these troops along the road towards where the initial fighting had been occurring. I assumed at this point that VH would have received exactly the same reinforcements as me, but at the opposite side of the map. Because of this I sent out an advance party to recon for any traps.

My reinforcements that I had received on the left I continued to move towards the small flag. I assume that VH would have a similar force as I moving towards these men from the left side of the map.

The forces towards the middle of the map I continued to move towards the middle large flag. There were a number of heavy buildings in that area that I hoped to gain control of before VH who I assumed had received a similar force in this area also.

At the intersection near the small flag VH continued to mop up my men and at the end I had 4 men in a routed condition but away from VH’s men. I also had an unaffected 2” mortar crew in the area. VH had a definite advantage at this section of the map.

Turn 8

VH moved a commander unit consisting of 2 men to attack my mortar crew. Much to my amazement this command unit was quickly eliminated by the mortar crew in hand to hand combat…never seen that before. VH also moved over a squad of infantry to attack the mortar crew and they came under mortar fire from the said crew. No casualties were taken by the crew. By the end of this turn one of the decimated squads consisting of 3 men were in an OK condition and I moved them back towards the intersection.

The other units continued to move to their respective positions with me thinking….”how the hell can I get these howitzers into the town where they can do some good.” I had contemplated rushing them along the road but they would be easy to knock out with rifle fire so decided against it.

Turn 9

The first reserve platoon I received moved towards the intersection and made contact with VH’s men. An exchange took place and I lost around 6 men in total and inflicted roughly the same on VH. I was now in a position where VH was a platoon stronger than me and had control of the area around the small flag. Also during this move VH ran his squad that was engaging my 2” mortar back to attack my platoon, which I felt was a wise decision on his behalf. Gave him a stronger defence in that area.

All my other units moved with no contact.

Turn 10

Around the small flag the exchange continued and I lost the remnants of a squad that had suffered losses during the previous move. I was now down to 2 squads for these reinforcements and didn’t appear to be doing any noticeable damage to VH’s men.

The advance unit of the reinforcements I received on the rear right made contact with one of VH’s reinforcement squads on the right towards the end of the turn and a brief exchange occurred with no losses by me.

The reinforcements at the middle of the map ran into the small town and gained control of a large building on the right side of the flag.

Turn 11

At the middle flag I ran the other 2 squads and their commander to the 2 small heavy buildings at the flag, still with no contact from VH.

Around the small flag the exchange continued and I lost a further 7 men but VH lost almost a squad also, so we were roughly even this turn.

On the right I made contact with more of VH’s reserves and the exchange continued with me suffering 1 casualty. I think VH may have suffered 3 or 4 during this turn. I decided to move one of the platoons through the trees towards the small bridge on the far side. I figured that if I could get control of that side of the bridge then I may be able to put the flag into a question mark. The problem was that this side of the map was a bit exposed and would be difficult to hold.

Turn 12

At the rear left of the map I spotted some of VH’s other reserves moving along the road with my hidden pait, which confirmed my earlier assumption about VH receiving the same reinforcements as me.

Around the intersection the fighting continued with VH moving his infantry towards the bridge and away from the engagement during the move. My sharpshooter that was hidden near the bridge spotted one of VH’s anti tank teams and took one shot and eliminated it.

At the rear right I moved my infantry forward to get more into contact with VH’s reserve platoon and a small exchange took place before VH’s men moved towards the intersection and out of contact again. I had the impression that VH was doing a fighting retreat with these men in an effort to slow down my progress and inflict casualties. I then decided to begin running my men after his so as to disrupt this tactic and hopefully catch him while he was still moving.

Around the middle flag my men moved into a number of buildings and took up defensive positions. On the right side of the map in the middle I received more reinforcements, which consisted of 2 platoons of infantry, 2 M5 halftracks (with 2 x 2” mortars, 1 x 3” mortar and a Vickers HMG mounted on them), a 3” art spotter, and a crack badger flamethrower tank.

I immediately rushed the M5’s to the village where my other men were to set up my mortars and the HMG. I began moving 1 platoon of infantry to the village and the second to the far bridge with the 2nd small flag. I assumed that VH would have received similar forces on the left side of the map near the middle and would be moving to the town.

My intentions were to now try and control the middle large flag and the small flag at the far end of the map. At worst if I could control the far small flag, and have the middle flag as a question mark then the score would be reasonably close, which was all I need to advance to the finals.

Turn 13

Near the intersection VH’s reserves from the left made contact with my men in the area and I inflicted a number of casualties as well as took a few. I was attempting to slow VH down in this area at least until I could get my men on the right closer to the intersection. During this turn I also saw a howitzer type gun on the road from where VH’s men had approached. I assumed that he would have 3 the same as me and I was concerned about him getting them across the river and in a position near the large flag to use them against my infantry. For this reason I need to get my men near the bridge and the road approaching it.

Two squads of my reinforcements on the right made contact again with VH’s men and suffered 7 casualties in total. I now needed to get the rest of my infantry into contact with these men to reduce the casualty toll on me. Every man I lost in this encounter was one less to use against VH near the bridge/intersection where the small flag was.

At the large flag I ran one of my squads to the second large building towards where I felt VH would be approaching the town. During this turn 2 full squads and one split squad arrived and an exchange took place with me losing my pait and 1 man from a squad. VH’s infantry took up positions in 2 light buildings and some trees. I was a bit unhappy about losing my pait as I felt it was my only defence against what I guessed would be a Flamepanzer, which I was certain VH would have received this turn. I now needed to get my other paits into town. I felt I could use the Badger against the Flamepanzer as it would have a greater range with it’s flamer (75 metres vs 50 metres) however I was concerned about losing it to an anti tank team so didn’t want to rush it into an exposed position.

Turn 14

Near the intersections the exchange continued with VH’s reserves from the left and he managed to bring about 4 squads into contact with one of my squads. I failed to move these men back and consequently suffered heavy casualties.

On the right I moved some more men forward and VH again retreated his men out of contact with minimal losses on both sides.

At the middle flag my M5 halftracks made it into town and one of them offloaded the mortars in a small group of trees. The other infantry had some brief exchanges with VH’s men but with no apparent losses. My other men in this area continued to move to the town and far bridge/small flag.

Turn 15

Near the intersection I retreated my men from VH’s, but not after losing the remainder of one squad. I now had 1 depleted squad, their commander and a 2” mortar in this area while VH had quite a significant force. Near the bridge a split squad of VH’s men ran to next to where my sharpshooter was hiding. I was hoping that he would remain undetected, but didn’t hold out any great hopes.

My infantry on the right ran forward but didn’t make contact with VH’s infantry. At the end of this turn some heavy art began to fall in the area where my trucks and howitzers were located and resulted in one truck being knocked out. Fortunately for me I had dismounted the Vickers, flamethrower and the HQ commander a few turns beforehand and they were out of danger.

At the large flag no infantry exchanges took place, but halfway through the turn a crack Flammpanzer arrived and moved to within 35 metres of the large building on the left side of the town. This was what I had feared and was becoming desperate for more paits to arrive in the town from the right. The Flammpanzer alone had the ability to destroy my defences in the area and I felt it was a high priority that I try and knock it out.

My second M5 unloaded the Vickers HMG, which moved into a small heavy building near the flag, and the 3” mortar, which moved to the same small group of trees that had 3 x 2” mortars in it. I also saw on the ridgeline an infantry icon moving to a position towards the small flag where all the fighting was occurring.

Turn 16

At the intersection I moved my remnants to a position where they could hopefully catch VH’s men moving from the right in a crossfire as they moved towards the intersection. My men moving from the right made contact with VH’s men again and I managed to bring 4 squads into contact but only inflicted 1 casualty, whilst receiving 1. Meanwhile VH’s art continued to fall and knocked out the second truck but didn’t destroy the howitzers. I began to push these towards the intersection but didn’t feel they would be of much use. I was disappointed that I didn’t have control of the intersection and bridge, as I would have rushed these howitzers into the town. I was surprised that VH hadn’t attempted to get his across the bridge and use them against my men in the town.

At the bridge the sharpshooter was spotted and quickly eliminate by VH’s half squad. I began running 2 squads and their commander to this area in a hope to get a foothold.

I was now trying to slow VH down in this area. I felt I couldn’t win this flag, but wanted to put enough pressure on him to prevent him from sending reinforcements to the middle flag.

At the middle flag the Flammpanzer had a shot at the large building before reversing out of sight. Fortunately this building failed to burn. My infantry in this area continued to exchange fire with VH’s with no losses being suffered by me. One platoon of reserves from the right of the map moved into the town, while the second continued to move to the second bridge with the small flag. I also now saw 5 infantry icons moving along the ridgeline and felt these may have been mortars (but was only guessing). I plotted my 3” art for the area I felt they were moving to in the hope of catching them unaware.

Turn 17

At the beginning of this turn VH again attempted to run his men away from mine at the right of the map. One squad managed to move away but the second became pinned and was eliminated. My men at the intersection made contact towards the end of the move with the 3rd squad of these men and their commander and pinned the squad (I think). Close behind these infantry of mine were VH’s men, which had moved from the left side. I was certain he would move them into contact next move and I would lose these men, but there was not much I could do about it. I plotted my men from the right to run towards the intersection and the inevitable battle.

The split squad that had eliminated my sharpshooter was engaged by my 2 squads in the area and inflicted 2 casualties before VH’s men ran out of sight.

At the large flag VH moved his Flammpanzer into a gully near the large and small buildings, which had my men in them. Next turn I was certain he was going to flame the small building so I plotted my men to run out of it. I also plotted my Badger to move forward and hopefully get a shot at it, but I was concerned about the gully and whether I would have a LOS. I had a pait with a LOS to the Flammpanzer with an 11% chance of hitting but with no chance of knocking it out due to it’s sloped armour. The next turn I ran this team forward to some scattered trees in the hope of getting a better shot.

My infantry in this area continued to exchange fire with VH’s men and again I didn’t suffer any casualties. I also moved a squad of infantry to a group of trees near where VH’s men were moving along the ridgeline in case he decided to push through that area.

One squad of the infantry that were moving toward the second bridge with the small flag made it with no contact. I felt that VH wasn’t pushing for this flag so diverted the one squad and their commander toward the town.

Turn 18

At the intersection, the men on the right ran forward and engaged VH’s men with both of us losing a number of infantry. My infantry, that I previously thought would be eliminated, were by the forces that VH pushed forward. Next turn I was going to push the majority of my men into this conflict in an attempt to gain a superiority in numbers in that area. My flamethrower and Vickers were in this area and next turn would be able to engage VH’s forces also.

Near the bridge my 2 platoons engaged some of VH’s depleted squads, from the beginning of the game, and inflicted a bit of damage.

At the middle flag the infantry on the ridge turned out to be a platoon of infantry and some mortars. One platoon of infantry and his mortars engaged my troops and I suffered a couple of losses. My 3” art was now in position and showing 26 seconds until it began firing in this area. Hopefully that would do a bit of damage to his forces. His Flammpanzer moved forward again and flamed the small heavy building containing 1 infantry squad and their commander. The commander ran out the back of the building, but the infantry squad ran out the front and became BBQ’d. I moved my Badger forward to within about 40 metres of the Flammpanzer but because of the crest was unable to get a LOS. Next turn I would have to take a chance and move it forward to within LOS, though I felt that VH would be expecting this move. Other infantry in this area had exchanges with minimal losses by me.

Between the large flag and the small flag at the far end of the map a platoon of VH’s infantry ran through some trees, and at the end of the turn one of my squads and its commander were beginning to shoot at them. VH’s men were in scattered trees so I hoped they would take some casualties next turn.

At the beginning of this turn I also received an infantry platoon on the right side of the map near the middle and I immediately began running them towards the village.

My main aim now was to try and eliminate the Flammpanzer. If VH didn’t have that, I felt I could hold the large flag. If I couldn’t get rid of it, then I felt I would find it very hard to win the game.

Turn 19

Near the intersection a stand and deliver fight continued between a platoon of VH’s men and roughly a platoon of my men. During this exchange we lost about the same amount of men, including my flamethrower before he could fire a shot.

At the bridge in the same area my squads and their commander exchanged fire with some remnants of VH’s squads and a full strength squad. I lost 2 men and VH lost about the same. All counted we came out about even during this exchange.

In the town I rushed my Badger forward then immediately reversed it to get a shot at the Flammpanzer. As it moved forward the Flammpanzer took a shot but missed, my Badger then took a shot and missed also, before reversing back. The Flammpanzer took a second shot as the Badger was reversing, but missed also.

VH’s platoon that was moving along the ridgeline began to attack the large building, which had a squad in it and a second squad in some heavy trees nearby. The squad in the heavy trees panicked very early and lost a number of men before running away Broken! The squad in the building became pinned due to the heavy amount of fire. My 3” art began to fall around VH’s platoon but did little damage from what I could tell.

On the left side of the town I ran some men forward to some trees and eliminated a half squad of infantry that was pushing to the town there. Firing continued from this side from the other squads.

The platoon at the rear of the town pushed towards the town to some heavy trees in that area and engaged the single squad and their commander. I lost 6 men in this exchange and decided to retreat these men closer to town near where my recently arrived reserves were located.

At this point in the game I felt VH was mounting a good attack on the town and I was only just holding on.

Turn 20

At the intersection, I ran over what reinforcements I had in the area, which included the HQ commander and any other commanders I had in the area. Also my Vickers got a LOS on one of the squads and began to fire on them. At the end of this turn I had lost a vast majority of my forces in this area, but VH’s forces were virtually eliminated. Unfortunately for me I saw 2 full squads of infantry near my other squads near the bridge and felt that I didn’t have enough forces in this area to win the bridge.

The forces near the bridge continued to exchange with VH’s forces in this area and took 4 casualties while inflicting roughly the same amount. I knew I was only delaying the inevitable in this area and it was only a matter of time before these men were eliminated once VH ran over the 2 squads mentioned above.

In the town I again moved my Badger forward then reversed it in an attempt to destroy the Flammpanzer. The Badger fired one shot, which missed, and the Flammpanzer again fired a shot which also missed as the Badger was reversing. The exchanges continued between the infantry with me taking a couple of casualties. My art continued to fall but with no visible results. At the end of this turn I retargeted an area of trees to the left of the town that had some of VH’s infantry in it. At the rear of the town the single squad and their commander ran back to some trees closer to the town, but the commander was eliminated by VH’s men during the retreat.

At the end of this move I decided I needed to do something different to upset VH’s attack or else I would be in big trouble. I decided to take a chance and move my Badger to the rear of the town in an attempt to break up this attack. I knew I was leaving my men vulnerable to VH’s Flammpanzer but felt my 2 paits in the area may provide some defence against it.

Turn 21

At the intersection VH retreated his men and I ran a majority of mine forward and thus was able to eliminate all there except for 4 men in a single platoon. At the bridge VH ran across his 2 full strength squads and engaged my forces and inflicted a lot of casualties. Next turn I was sure to lose the rest of these men.

In the town all hell was beginning to break lose. VH ran 2 infantry squads into the large building which had my pinned squad in it. They made it with no casualties that I could tell and by the end of the turn had virtually eliminated my squad in there.

I decided to run a full squad of men and a pait to the large clump of trees on the left of the town, which had my HQ commander and a squad of men in it. VH decided to run 2 squads into the same clump at the same time with the result being my loss of the full squad and VH losing about 7 men all up. At the end of this turn I decided to retreat back my remaining men and retargeted my art for this group of trees.

A Panzerschreck from the men attacking the rear of the town fired a single shot at my halftrack, which missed. He was quickly targeted by my infantry in the area and eliminated. This halftrack and the Badger moved toward the rear of the town and the Badger began to flame one of VH’s squads that had run forward. At the end of the turn they were either pinned or panicked.

The next turn I decided to move the halftrack and the Badger back to the middle of the town to support my infantry there.

Turn 22

At the intersection I ran forward my men and inflicted 2 more casualties on VH’s squad. The remaining 2 men ran off in a Panicked or Broken condition. Since there were only 4 turns remaining I felt that would be the last I saw of them.

At the bridge VH moved forward his infantry and eliminated all but one of my men, who ran off in a broken! State. I was not prepared to push any more men at this bridge and decided to set up a defensive position in case VH moved his men towards mine. I guessed that he would be setting up a defensive position around the bridge. I didn’t have the manpower to mount a proper attack in this area.

In the town the infantry continued to exchange fire with VH pushing more men towards the area of the large building on the left of the town. My men in the group of trees on the left of the town ran back to safety with only one loss. My art showed 21 seconds remaining before it began to fall in this area.

My Badger fired one more shot at the infantry, which panicked and ran away, before moving back towards where the Flammpanzer was still in the same position. I was very surprised that VH hadn’t used his Flammpanzer during the last turn while my Badger was at the back of the town. Perhaps the Paits were providing a nice incentive for him not to move forward.

At the back of the town I ran towards the above infantry 1.5 squads of infantry that I had positioned at the bridge to put some pressure on his attack. I also ran 1 squad over to where his men had been flamed. Next turn I was going to try and run these men into the trees and try and inflict heavier casualties.

Next turn I wanted to use my Badger to flame the large building that VH had gained control of. My only concern was what VH would be doing with his Flammpanzer. Only time would tell. This was turning into a real game of cat and mouse, trying to second guess what the other person would do and make moves accordingly. I felt if VH got my Badger then the game would be over, however, the longer I prevented his Flammpanzer from doing anything the better for me.

I felt I had almost stopped VH’s attack from the rear and I had art about to come down on his attack from the left. If I could put some pressure on his attack from the front and keep the large flag as a question mark, then I may get close to a draw in the game.

Turn 23 (71)

At the intersection and the bridge there was no fighting. I set my men up in defensive positions and saw no sign of VH.

At the town my I moved my Badger towards the large building that VH had just gained control of. While this was happening VH moved his Flammpanzer forward to within 24 metres of where my Vickers was in a small heavy building, flamed that and then began reversing back. Two of my paits had shots with only one shot hitting but doing no damage. At the same time my Badger got a LOS on the Flammpanzer and fired as it was reversing. This shot hit and destroyed the Flammpanzer (YIPPEEE). That was one great relief for me to see the end of that vehicle. VH had used and positioned it superbly, and had given me a considerable loss of sleep.

Meanwhile VH pushed men around to the front of the town with a view to eliminating a broken squad I had near some heavy trees. During this turn I ran over 1 full squad to the heavy trees to support these men and moved a second squad to the light building from where they had come. The result being that VH’s assault met with some stiff resistance and one of his squads was virtually eliminated with no losses to me. Some of VH’s art began to fall in this area also but did no damage.

On the left of the town where my art was to fall VH move his men towards the rear of the town to support the men that had just retreated from my Badger, or to prepare for an assault on the small flag/bridge at the rear of the map. Which one I wasn’t sure. Consequently my art fell where there were no men. Next turn I managed to retarget to where his men were with only a 16 second delay.

At the rear of the town VH’s men retreated away and I ran over around 1 platoon to the area. My half squad that was in one set of trees was eliminated but VH lost almost a squad of men in this area. His men that were panicked from the Badger came under fire and retreated away again. Since there were now only 3 turns left I didn’t feel they would be a threat any more. I felt at this stage that I had successfully repelled this attack.

At the rear bridge my other half squad spotted an infantry icon moving through the brush towards the bridge. I targeted these men and they immediately retreated back to some heavy trees some distance away. I was not concerned about this attack as they had a large distance to cover through little cover. My main concern now was that VH would try and push his men, that had just move from the left side, at the bridge.

Next turn I plotted for one squad of men to run back to the rear bridge to help secure it. I also plotted for the Badger to flame the large heavy building in which VH now had 2 squads of infantry and a Panzerschreck. I guessed that VH would be plotting these men to run out anyway. My main concern now was to prevent losing my Badger to the Panzerschreck that VH had in the area. He had one positioned with a LOS over about 160 metres so there was a chance he could still knock out the Badger. If he did then the game could fall back into VH’s favour.

Turn 24

My Badger that had targeted the building immediately retargeted the two squads in the building at soon as they moved, but didn’t fire as he quickly lost sight of them. As a result the Badger didn’t flame the building as I had initially wanted him to. Shortly after this VH’s Panzerschreck that was in that building fired one shot and destroyed the Badger. Exchanges of fire continued in this area with VH retreating another squad from a building at the front of the town in the area of the Badger. I still had control of the big flag but now needed to get some men in position around the flag in the scattered trees to prevent VH’s rush at the end.

At the rear of the town I ran one squad back to the small bridge and they took one casualty. I now had one and a half squads to hold it. The men that VH had moved from the left side of town to the back moved along the ridge in some heavy trees towards the bridge. It was now obvious that VH was going to make a push towards the rear bridge with these men. Consequently my art, once again, fell on empty ground. Next turn I retargeted it to near the bridge through the area I felt VH would move. I also plotted for another squad to run back to this area to strengthen it.

I was concerned about the Panzerschreck that was in the large building as it had a good LOS to my halftrack. Because of this I plotted for the halftrack to move behind the small burning building. During this turn my two paits had been firing at a halftrack that was around 190 metres away, however, all the shots missed.

At this time I felt the pressure was off on the left side of the town and the rear. My main concerns were from the infantry in the large building and the infantry pushing for the rear bridge and its small flag.

Turn 25

I ran one squad of men to the scattered trees near the large building and big flag, where my Vickers was now positioned. By the end of the turn these men had taken four casualties and were under heavy fire from the men that VH moved forward in the large building again. I also repositioned other men from the rear and front to cover the large building. My halftrack moved behind the burning small building safely and continued to fire at various units. My second halftrack had not fired a shot since early in these engagements due to losing a crew member.

At the start of this turn my pait in the church fired a shot and destroyed VH’s halftrack.

At the rear of the town the other infantry squad I ran back to the small bridge made it but suffered 5 casualties on the way. VH pushed 2 weakened and 1 full squad of infantry at the bridge and an exchange took place between these men with VH suffering a number of casualties. At the end of this turn my art was showing 14 seconds till firing in roughly this area. I felt I could hold this bridge as my men were all in heavy trees and VH was in scattered trees. He also had to push through my men to get to the bridge and I didn’t feel he had enough forces to do this.

At the large flag I had a fairly strong defence set up in this area. I hoped I could hold off the final turn attack, but if I couldn’t I thought I had enough men in the area to make this flag a question mark. I knew that VH needed a large victory to give him enough points to get into the final so all I needed to do was push for a draw or a minor victory to him. In saying that though, I was also pushing for a victory to me to put into the final without any doubt.

Turn 27 (Final Turn)

VH rushed a squad from the large building to the cover of a stone fence. These infantry came under heavy fire and soon retreated back into the building. Another squad ran from the left side of the map to the gully where the Flammpanzer was and come under fire also. My Vickers machine gun was wiped out towards the end of the turn and the other squad in these trees suffered another 3 casualties but continued to fight all turn.

At the rear bridge VH ran another 2 squads of men to the area where his other men were and exchanges continued, but my men held and inflicted a number of casualties.

The end result with flags being 1 small flag to VH and 1 small flag to me, I was uncertain about the large flag but feel it may have become a question mark. During the final turn it was shown as being mine, but VH may have gotten his forces close enough to make it a question mark.

Final score was (voidhawk) Axis 49 to Allies 40 (Dinga) - Draw

Axis 222 Casualties (45 KIA) Allies 281 Casualties (89 KIA)

5 mortars destroyed

2 vehicles knocked out 3 vehicles knocked out

144 men OK 128 men OK

In conclusion, would have liked to get control of the bridge at the front of the map as I could have then moved my howitzers across and control one side and into the town. VH played a great game and came away with a good points victory. He made some good attacks and put me under a great deal of pressure, despite me having first control of the town. I felt if I hadn’t been able to destroy VH’s Flammpanzer with my Badger then I would have been in a lot of trouble, since paits have problems penetrating their armour. I guess that is balanced by the Badger having the slightly longer range on its flame attack.

Thanks VH for both the games and commiserations on not getting through to the finals. I have really enjoyed playing against you.

Once again, many thanks to Chris Walker for getting the comp going again and providing two enjoyable and challenging scenarios, with some nice little twists in them. Now to the final…….

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Originally posted by Kanonier Reichmann:

Hey Walker.

Shouldn't there be an award for...The longest AAR's in the history of the world? Recipient- dinga!


Jim R.

Good idea - I've added the award as suggested!


Great Hogartin AAR. Paints a good picture of the desperate fighting on a wet, gloomy & never-quite-sure-what-to-expect-next battlefield!

Chris Walker

Edit: You're obviously getting lazy in your older age - only 36,000 characters for this AAR... :( !

[ March 07, 2003, 08:13 AM: Message edited by: Walker ]

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  • 2 months later...

Tournament update:

As a result of Jim Liang's withdrawal from the Grand Final due to personal issues, and because we had already scraped the barrel of possible finalists long ago, the Grand Final is now being played out as a two-game event between Dinga and Walker, using the dreaded Lakeside map available here: Lakeside map .

The first game is well advanced and a joint AAR should be posted here by the end of July.

The road to completion of ST's tournament is paved with grim determination :rolleyes: .

Chris Walker

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  • 4 months later...

Tournament update:

The second Dinga v Walker game of the Grand Final has ended with a victory for the Axis defender. This means a decider has become necessary, to be played forthwith.

A number of superb AARs with tons of images were recently posted on the forum. Consequently, the standard expected of AARs has risen (and rightly so). Therefore:

No AARs will be posted due to both contestants' gross inability to post images.

I wonder whether this is the longest-running tournament in the history of CM? Trouble is, I can't for the life of me remember when it started... :rolleyes:

Chris Walker

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