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Crew Death Phenomenon

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I have a query which I'm hoping some of the experts can quickly clear up for me. I'm playing a Q.B. where I have an M10 Tank Destoyer hull down (I think) on top of the hill. As soon as it shows it's presence, sure enough a distant PAK 75 bobs up, hits the upper hull on the 2nd shot achieving a partial penetration and killing a crewman. Now my T.D. is immobile, I assume because the driver has been incapacitated but leaving the rest of the crew O.K.

My problem is that when I go to unbutton the vehicle once it gets over the shock of losing a crew member, I can't do it. Despite the hit being on the hull am I to assume that the Commander somehow bought the farm or does the loss of a crew member ALWAYS result in the vehicle being considered immobile for the rest of the game?...possibly due to lack of confidence to carry on agressively perhaps? If I'm wrong on this assumption & perhaps the commander has somehow been killed by the hull hit then shouldn't I be able to move the T.D. as the driver must still be O.K. (although no doubt badly shaken).

Any thought you guys have on this perplexing situation would be greatly appreciated. smile.gif


Jim R.


Whoa mule, WHOA!.....when ah sez Whoa ahz mean WHOA!!! ....Whang....

Ya flea bitten varmit...

Ah hate dat Wabbit! (or Gerbil or Hampster or Rattus Rattus...insert preference)

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I have seen this as well.

Just my 2 cents, and maybe I was wrong, but I chalked it up to the fact that the rating of my crew was Green. After 1 guy gets knocked off for keeping his head out to long, the other crew members decide "No way mate, I am not sticking my head out there".

Kind of like the low quality halftrack drivers that will not go over a hill because he has seen enemy activity there 4 turns ago.

Like I said, I may be wrong, but it makes sence to me.

Kollos out.

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good point Herr Kanonier. your reasoning is sound. with that I mean both the "either commander, then driver should be ok, or driver, then commander must be ok" as well as the possible explanation you provide, ie, that after taking a casualty the crew is too shocked for such a "bold" behavior as driving around unbuttoned. I think that's BTS' answer to it would be.

"Whoa mule, WHOA!.....when ah sez Whoa ahz mean WHOA!!! ....Whang....Ya flea bitten varmit...Ah hate dat Wabbit! (or Gerbil or Hampster or Rattus Rattus...insert preference)"

how about "electric kitchen appliance"?

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Guest Madmatt

If you take a crew casulity your vehcile will NOT be able to unbuttun.

Simple as that.

I don't beleive CM tracks WHICH crew member actually got hit though so it abstracts this somewhat.



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In the following thread,


Steve states that CM doesn't track individual cre members. Once a vehicle has taken a crew casuallty, it won't be able to unbutton. This is to simulate the fact that even if it wasn't the commander who got hit, everyone else would have to rearrange to cover the job of the incapacitated crew member, and as such there would be no one available to stick their head out of the hatch.

A vehicle will usally become 'shocked' for about a turn when it looses a crew member, and won't do much of anything until it becomes unshocked. Being immobolized, is a completely different thing.

Kanonier, it just sounds like you got unlucky in the fact that the shot that immobolized your M10 also took out a crew member. These are two unrelated things (besides the fact that they were caused by one shot). I've seen plenty of shots that immobolize a vehicle, but not kill a crew member, as well as shots that cause a casualty, but don't immobolize the vehicle. The "immobile" is due to some mechanical failure from the shot penetration, the unable to unbutton is due to the loss of the crewman. I hope I haven't confused further with this smile.gif

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