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APC's and LOS?

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Will troops in APC's (armored personel cariers) be protected from enemy fire?

If not what tactacal use will APS's have in CM besides mobile armered machene gun posts?

P.S. ignore the spelling.


A 2x4 and a kind word work better than just a 2x4

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by robertpat1:

Will troops in APC's (armored personel cariers) be protected from enemy fire?

If not what tactacal use will APS's have in CM besides mobile armered machene gun posts?

P.S. ignore the spelling.


Errr...APCs??? You mean half tracks?

Their purpose is to move troops quickly and/or over long distances.

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Guest Germanboy

A post like this would be superbly suited for the new forum called "Tips and techniques" - we've got them, now let's use them.

Having said that, I believe that on CM's level, the use of APCs will be rather limited, beyond that of mobile weapons platform. WW II APCs (half-tracks, Kangaroos) were open-topped and very vulnerable to air-bursts, tree-bursts, handgrenades lobbed into them etc. (although I believe in the beta demo, they were too vulnerable, and that was fixed) They were used to move troops to the fighting areas e.g. in TOTALIZE, but once there the troops had to dismount and leg it. This is a bit different from their use in modern armies.

But really, this post and thread should not be here but over there.



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Armoured half tracks were the APC's of the time.

Their purpose was to provide protection and mobility for the armoured infantry squads (mechanised) while moving in and around the combat area along with other armoured units (typically tanks).

If the only mission is to move quickly and far trucks will do the job better and at a lesser price.


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