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Hang on to those Fausts!

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A REGULAR German squad wasted a Faust on a nearby US squad when a Sherm was within 68m right next door! And it wasn't a "miss," it was a deliberate shot on the infantry. Kinda reminded me of the same kind of "A/I bug" in Close Combat 2 tongue.gif (one that was patched) where fausts were wasted on soldiers when armor was nearby (or even not-- you kinda wanna SAVE those). Hopefully BTS will take a look and tweak to save the A/T weapons-- I would think even a Conscript wouldn't be tossing A/T weapons away against infantry! Any feedback?

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Well, having seen enough fausts fired at tanks when grunts were nearby, which NEVER happened in the original demo, I'm happy as things are.

I mean, your troops are NOT mindless robots perfectly carrying out all your desires, implicit as well as explicit. They are going to screw up sometimes. Which, given the horror, chaos, and sensory overload of battle, will happen fairly often. Live with it. Nay, ENJOY it. Sure, it'll make you want to put your fist through the monitor sometimes, but that's realistic. C'est la guerre!



It was a common custom at that time, in the more romantic females, to see their soldier husbands and sweethearts as Greek heroes, instead of the whoremongering, drunken clowns most of them were. However, the Greek heroes were probably no better, so it was not so far off the mark--Flashman

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I've had a few instances in the GD where I was sneaking up to kill a Sherman (VoT), and the darn PS team decided to fire on a MG team in a different direction. Kinda lost the element of surprise....

needless to say, they didnt get a shot off at the Sherman once the sherman figured out where they were. All that sneaking around wasted. Not to mention their lives. Rats.

But, other cases they ignored the infantry and fired off round after round at the tanks, sometimes even managing to knock them out.

Seems to me to be some of the randomness and oddness of war, that's all. I wouldnt change it....



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Don't forget also the the squad is a little abstracted. One could imagine that the guy with the 'faust couldn't see the tank, maybe he was behind a small rise or something. When you have one piece to represent a whole squad you can write off alot of strange behavior to the abstraction.

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Guest Germanboy

I don't know - I have seen that happen in the GD. I can't see a problem with that, especially if the troops involved are green or conscript.

I think if I was in a close fire-fight, I would throw everything including Fausts and the Kitchensink (Portable 878-3Lang) at them in order to make them go away. having survived that, I then would worry about the tank nearby.

IIRC, it has been discussed before that the Fausts actually had an anti-personnel schrapnel cover to just put on if needed and that is abstracted in the game. Maybe do a search on that. Or have a look at this Panzerfaust website (again, do a search, I don't have the URL handy).



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Guest Scott Clinton

I think it will take more than me just seeing this in a game or two before I decide this is an issue like the one in Close Combat.

I remember reading in "Seven Roads to Hell" about a 101st airborne trooper that fired a bazooka at a fleeing German soldier. This was after they were surrounded in Bastone and ammo was being conserved. As a matter of fact by this point the author already related how he switched from his rifle to his .45 at one point in order to save .30cal ammo. Then this veteran bazooka man lets fly a precious bazooka rocket in a vain attempt to hit an single, already routed German.

**** happens.


Please note: The above is solely the opinion of 'The Grumbling Grognard' and reflects no one else's views but his own.

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