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This board's double standards -- auf wiederschauen!

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You know, what gives with BTS' double standards here?? I post something on Army Time's derision of the My Lai Massacre, and it's "way, way, way, way off-topic" and immediately locked up. "Leshawn Campbell" comes acting like a stereotypical coon character (he dons e-balckface, IOW) and BTS sees fit to tolerate all that as being "in good fun."

Now I talk about Saving Puerto Rico as being a stoopid movie from a tactical POV and it's off topic and inflammatory.

Calling people Japs, as has been done, and the vague anti-China Yellow Peril sentiment wafting around, has been okay. Using "kraut" in my post is "inflammatory?"

Talking about Reagan, Elvis, and Vietnam is on-topic and has generated one of this board's longer threads, as is bickering flame wars between board personalities and regulars, but what little I've posted is immediately "O/T" and verboten.

Well, at least my praising Hitler hasn't been decried as being "infalmmatory."

Sure it's their board, but don't go on and on about freedom of speech and how open to discussion you are if every time something the least bit controversial with which you don't agree gets posted is blasted!

Kinda like how you fault CC for claiming to be a serious wargame; likewise, I fault you for your pseudo-tolerance and faux open-mindedness.

Gimme my game and good bye.

Note: no hard feelings -- it takes all types. I wish y'all critical & commercial success, but it's obvious "we" can't have anything more than a strictly "professional" relationship.

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Dear DC 228,

I read through all of your posts, and many of the replies to them, specifically the BTS replies, but also others. Here’s my 3rd party observer take on things (feel free to ignore)...

>> You know, what gives with BTS' double standards here??

Let’s take a look...

>> I post something on Army Time's derision of the My Lai Massacre, and it's "way, way, way, way off-topic" and immediately locked up.

I see the overuse of the adjective “way” as being unecessary and over the top. But, I can respect BTS’ decision that My Lai Massacre is off-topic.

>>"Leshawn Campbell" comes acting like a stereotypical coon character (he dons e-balckface, IOW) and BTS sees fit to tolerate all that as being "in good fun."

I didn’t see BTS “tolerating” that behavior, per se. In fact, it seemed like there were several comments to the contrary. And, what’s BTS to do in this situation? Either way they come out, somebody’s gonna flame ‘em as not being “PC”, or being selectively “PC”. (BTW, don’t get me started on politcal correctness.)

>> Now I talk about Saving Puerto Rico as being a stoopid movie from a tactical POV and it's off topic and inflammatory. Calling people Japs, as has been done, and the vague anti-China Yellow Peril sentiment wafting around, has been okay. Using "kraut" in my post is "inflammatory?"

Actually, I think the inflammatory label was a reaction to the entire sequence of comments, not specifically the term Krauts. I found the term Kraut used about 9 times and Japs about 3, and non were slammed as being inflammatory or inappropriate.

And, to be fair, in posting your displeasure with SPR’s factuality, you did slam a wide variety of people (Patton, etc.) in the process. When anybody’s “favorite” gets slammed, you can expect a retort.

>> Talking about Reagan, Elvis, and Vietnam is on-topic and has generated one of this board's longer threads, as is bickering flame wars between board personalities and regulars, but what little I've posted is immediately "O/T" and verboten.

I can’t comment on these topics. I don’t read all the threads, so I can’t fairly say yea or nay. But, I suspect military contrasts to Vietnam would be tolerated. Discussions about civilian or military massacres (whether My Lai, or Malmedy) are not germain to CM. I doubt there will be a “round up the civlians and shoot them all for extra points” scenario.

>> Well, at least my praising Hitler hasn't been decried as being "infalmmatory."

Not, yet...you just posted it today! Personally, I think Hitler was brilliant in some ways, lucky in several and completed wrong in most. He began somewhat evil (re: Mein Kampf) and just slide down the slope to totally, wretchedly evil. I’m very thankful his side lost.

>> Sure it's their board, but don't go on and on about freedom of speech and how open to discussion you are if every time something the least bit controversial with which you don't agree gets posted is blasted!

From my view, I didn’t see BTS’ responses as “blasting” your posts. But, I realize it would be different if it were “my” post -- it’d be personal, you know.

>> Kinda like how you fault CC for claiming to be a serious wargame; likewise, I fault you for your pseudo-tolerance and faux open-mindedness.

I’m not sure I follow your logic here. CC is a fun wargame (until they stopped making Mac versions anyway wink.gif ), but documented, serious errors in data and play do discredit it some. And, in comparison, CM really is a “serious” wargame.

>> Gimme my game and good bye.

I hope you at least lurk on the boards. It would be a shame to loose anyone with your obvious experience of military life and history from the boards here. But, I’m not BTS.

Stick around!

Steve C.

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There have been some very contraversial things posted to this board that have no been blasted. I think it is not the content of the messages you post, but the style and language you use in posting them. Most new posters (including myself) asked questions or offered suggestions hoping for an informed response from those on this board who really know their stuff.

You may well fall into the latter group (I don't know), but entering a group with very aggressive posts is an abrasive entry to say the least. E.G. If your SPR thread had asked if anyone had any problems with the tactics of the squad level assault at Normandy and the effectiveness of the M1 as a supressing weapon I think it would have been treaded as a serious attempt at dialog and exchange of ideas and knowledge. Claiming SPR is crap dosen't foster an exchange of ideas of knowledge...

I hope you will return to the board, as there is much to be learned here.

Just my 2¢

- Bill

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I don't see any particular use for any racial sterotyping or derogatory racial/ethnic terms...I don't find them funny. They are the equivalent of using four-letter words to make something funny or dramatic when nothing else about the text is. I wish people wouldn't use "Jap" or "Kraut" as "humorous" terms (my guess is that the people using them are generally not Japanese or German), but I'm not naive enough to think that my wishing will stop anyone. Just had to say something, though.


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Just a word about SPR. I'm surprised you didn't go nuts over the fact that Omaha beach was taken in only thirty minutes. SPR is supposed to be a very entertaining war movie. And it is. What it's not is a primer on infantry tactics, and shouldn't be taken as such. To do otherwise is idiotic.




"Every normal man must be tempted at times to spit upon his hands, hoist the black flag, and begin slitting throats."

-Henry Louis Mencken (1880-1956)

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Guest Big Time Software

DC has completely missed my point. I could give a rat's ass about SPR, so I don't care if someone criticizes it. But the manner you chose to express your dislike of the movie was offensive ON PURPOSE. I am not Puerto Rician, Jewish, a fan of Ross Pero, etc., but I fould your post to be inflamatory for no reason other than to shoot your mouth off. If you don't understand that, then I bid you a very fond farewell. And if you do understand that you were trolling for flames, then I also bid you a fond farewell. Nobody needs to read such crap, not here or any place else.

As far as off topic posts go, if they are about WWII and have some value, I generally let them stay up. But posting a new topic about killings in Vietnam has NO place on this BBS. Leshawn's posts ALSO don't have any place on this BBS for the lengthy reasons I gave (seems you missed that DC, and Leshawn... remember what I said). So I'm sorry if you have a problem with being totally irrelvant and incorrect, but I do.

And as far as freedom of speech goes, I have said this 1000 times -> it is a priveledge and not a right here. Abuse the VERY SIMPLE rules and you will find yourself being told to watch it. The world isn't perfect, so I cut people quite a bit of slack when they screw up. Since we pay the bills and are completely within our moral and legal rights to call the shots here, I have no problem locking up a totally useless thread as you started. I thought twice about it, but it was clear you were just shooting your mouth off, which would then attract flames, which would then cause a bigger problem, which I would have to deal with, and I really don't have time for such childish behavior.

This thread is also closed. The subject isn't worth discussing EVERY SINGLE TIME I close up a thread because someone can't be mature about what they post.


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Speaking only for myself, you know damned well that the "Yiddish" crack was the reason. This isn't Usenet, and there's no reason for BTS to allow flame-bait trolling on their board.

There are places to discuss it and this ain't it. You might be a good guy, but there's no reason to taint the game and the board with something that leads to newsgroup and BBS disaster, every-single-time it comes up.

If you don't believe this search Usenet, though I have a hard time believing you're that naive.

Frankly, I'd recommend they close this thread, too. There's such a thing as shouting fire in a crowded theater. This is a privately-maintained board, and the First Amendment is alive and well out there on Usenet.

I just want to play Wehrmacht, as do we all, and just don't need the BS here, in what is a sort of special place. Versteh?

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