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O/T Cat pest remover - where can I get it?

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Johan Brittz:

I have a bit of a problem with my neighbours cat assaulting my pet ducks and when I saw this weapon I knew that it would solve my problem.

My local gunshop says they're out of stock. Any idea where I can buy one?http://www.nawcwpns.navy.mil/clmf/faeseq.html<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I would try something less extreme for starters: how about bitter apple spray instead of FAE munitions? Probably less collateral damage to your duck flock too. Besides, ducks respond much better to low temperature slow cooking. Mmm, roast duck...



Das also war des Pudels Kern! -- Goethe

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Expensive delivery system, too.

For residential applications there are powdered magnesium loads available for the ubiquitous 12 gauge. Don't forget your sunnies!

I mean, how the hell you gonna spray a flock of ducks with bitter apple? confused.gif

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Johan Brittz:

I have a bit of a problem with my neighbours cat assaulting my pet ducks and when I saw this weapon I knew that it would solve my problem.

My local gunshop says they're out of stock. Any idea where I can buy one?http://www.nawcwpns.navy.mil/clmf/faeseq.html<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

What kind of gas/fuel/whatever do they use to create that beast?

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"The the 550-pound CBU-72 cluster bomb contains three submunitions known as fuel/air explosive (FAE). The submunitions weigh approximately 100 pounds and contain 75 pounds of ethylene oxide with air-burst fuzing set for 30 feet. An aerosol cloud approximately 60 feet in diameter and 8 feet thick is created and ignited by an embedded detonator to produce an explosion. This cluster munition is effective against minefields, armored vehicles, aircraft parked in the open, and bunkers.

During Desert Storm the Marine Corps dropped all 254 CBU-72s, primarily from A-6Es, against mine fields and personnel in trenches. Some secondary explosions were noted when it was used as a mine clearer; however, FAE was primarily useful as a psychological weapon. Second-generation FAE weapons were developed from the FAE I type devices (CBU-55/72) used in Vietnam."


FAS is chock full of useful info.

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I was going to suggest the FAE route also (air-burst fuel vapor), but Mark IV (that's not Lincoln Continental Mark IV, its it?) beat me to it.

My second suggestion, slightly more expensive, is a tactical nuclear device in the 5 to 10 kiloton range, which should be available at any Home Arms Depot (if you have those in SA). I like the 5 to 10K range delivered as an air burst because you get minimal fallout (neighbors sometimes fuss about that) while you get optimum vaporization of pets and livestock. Good for headaches, too. Now finish that turn, for golly-gosh sakes and stop paying attention to secondary issues!


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