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Russians mystery

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A big question about Russians that has always intriqued me; is why they did not launch

attack against Germany in 1940, when her forces were tied up in France?

Even in 1941 as the Germans launched Barbarossa the Soviet forces were grouped for offence, not defense. Russo-Nazi conflict was just matter of time. So what was Stalin waiting for???

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They were respecting a non-agression pact at the time. Stalin was probably hoping that France would seriously damage Germany which would allow him to possibly invade easily a year or two later. The Russian Army was in the process of being reorganized as well when they were attacked.

Bottom line - they just weren't ready.


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As a Finn do I know this. But so had the Germans a pact that handed Finland to Soviets! Luckily Russians did not hit our country with all their might, we would have been eventually annihilated with sheer numbers.

I agree with you that Stalin (beign the devious bastard he was) waited for the warring sides to maul each other WWI style and then he would have just taken all Europe.

But the speed of German victory in the west caught him pants down wink.gif

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