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CM Engine-- tweaked for individuals?

Guest Seimerst

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Guest Seimerst

Anybody over 40 might remember the boardgame from Strategy and Tactics called "Sniper". It was supposed to represent typical reinforced squad combat in Stalingrad. It was pretty innovative and pushed the state of game design to the limit. Counters represented an individual and special weapons.

From my reading of the archives and FAQ, it seems that the CM engine is so refined that it might be tweaked for a new game on even a smaller scale-- modelling the actions of each individual in a squad or two using the Stalingrad setting.

Or do I have it all wrong? I await the wisdom of the grognards.

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Humm... I'm only 31 and i played a lot of sniper. It was a great Game. We played a version of it here on a BBS in Winston a long time ago. We called it patrol there. Great Memories! I'm surprised anyone else has played it here though. As for the Cm engine handleing it... I think it is really off scale. What would be better is if someone took "Soldiers at war" and polished it.




This is my rifle. There are many like it, but this is mine. It is my life. Without my rifle I am useless. Without me, my rifle is useless...


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Ah, yes, the memories! "Sniper," "Patrol," "Computer Ambush," (for the Apple and the Atari, IIRC) and more recently "Firepower" from AH and "Close Assault" from Yaquinto. Wouldn't any of those be great with a CM style graphics engine?

I've looked into some commercially available 3D graphics engines to see if that capability is available in a appropriate programming and cost level for me. Apparently not. But I keep wishing. And looking.

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Guest Seimerst

Thanks for the insight. I guess once all the money starts to roll in from CM being game of year AND after CM2, CM3 have similar gaming and commercial success, the wunderkids at BTS can work their magic once again at the indvidual soldier level.

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Guest Big Time Software

hehe... well, it wouldn't be impossible to make a lower level game out of CM's engine, but it would be a lot of work. One of the amazing (and bad) things about code is that it really doesn't like to be bent to do things other than what was initially designed to do. Certainly not impossible, but unfortunately always difficult smile.gif


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I can see a ground up design, but using the insights, experence, and vision that doing CM have provided. It seems probable that that would be easier than having to clean up all the fallout adapting existing code would cause. But, to obtain that it seems that Steve and Charles would have to be cloned. CM has a long row to hoe to get to where it is going now with its already planned sequels.

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