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Human wave attacks by AI & winning CE at +150% for AI

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I decided to play as Allies agaist GE in CE. I gave AI +150% of troops. I was a FUN slaughter.

I positioned my Shermans in hull down positions way behind the road that goes through the middle of the map. This way Shermans could cover relativly empty area on the Allied side of the map. It also kept them far from shrecks/fausts.

Initially AI moved stug to the hill between church and forest. Shermans killed it.

Next turn two Stugs showed up and were killed.

Next turn 3 stugs were on that hill and got killed - I lost one sherman.

The last stug germans had just moved to the far right side and stood there.

Then the the human wave attack come on the left flank - where the single two story building stands beside the flag. 2 whole platoons were attacking. Shermans, mortars, and 2 machine guns and units in the "double building" to the left were able to kill them. But that was followed by two more human waves. Finally my machine gun and 2 squads in the bulding paniced and run. Sherman set the building on fire - denying germans their prize.

I decided to kill that last stug. Sherman sprinted by the church and fired twice at the stug that did NOTHING! It just stood there. 3rd shot got it.

I moved the shermans right on the hill on which church stood. (Not a smart thing to do but I wanted to see what will happen). It was assaulted repeatedly by Volks in human waves waves. I got 50 kills. Exits from church toward the tank were also covered by one machine gun and 2 squads.

I finally reversed sherman out of trouble to discover that two "squads" - with one man left in each kept chasing it!

I would reverse sherman back and GE squads would follow it through hail of bullets. These finally got suppressed and just decided to relax in the middle of the wheat field.

On turn 40 all shermans runned out of HE and smoke (they kept firing smoke for some reason).

I got Allied tactical victory. Loss ratio was 7:1 in my favor.

Approximate numbers:


350 infantry_________50 infantry

7 tanks______________1 tank

180 men left_________200 men left

[This message has been edited by killmore (edited 06-07-2000).]

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I am not as good as you think.

I got a bit lucky and if only AI would try to flank me instead of human waves...

My far left and far right were totally open. AI ignored that.

Most of my strategy came from CC3! (Believe it or not)

Defending against AI is much easier than attacking...

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I just tried the same scenario after reading your post. Except in this game, the germans recieved more infantry than tanks, and the human wave tactic DID work. I knocked out all the Stugs quickly, but 800 infantry charging out of the woods was impressive to see.

After having 2 positions overrun, 3 Sherman knocked out, and my remaining Sherman

ran out of MG ammo, I packed my bags and high tailed it.

I wiped out half of them, plus all their armor, but they held the field. Very impressive.

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I don't think it was impressive enough...

If AI would just flank me on left or right I would not stand any chances.

Squads do tend to flank a bit but I never seen AI do a real flanking manouver. Is AI incapable of doing it?

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