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AAR Elvis v. MrPeng: Chance Encounter

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It was a glorious victory for the father-land. Seems like Elvis must have rode on the little bus to school by the way he "planned" his attack. His Shermans lie in what looks like a graveyard for flaming elephants. In one turn two Shermies bit the dust from near simultaneous 'fausts. Where was his infantry? having a little fairy-dance in the woods I guess because there was no-one to draw my fire away from the tanks.

The most pathetic part is that the game isn't even over and he has CONCEDED victory to me. tongue.gif This is the game where the biggest threat to my Stugs is from a 60mm mortar! Elvis's Shame and Humiliation are indeed profound.

However, he has confided in me that he is ripping SS_SissyEater's head off and urinating down his neck at Reisberg this very night. So I guess SS is an Even BIGGER WUSS eek.gif than Elvis? Dunno, Private email requesting his presence on the field of honor has been ignored. SS, I think it is a great day to die. Howabout you?

Peng out to taunt

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YOU big panzyassed, fruitcake loving, wanna be arm chair PRIVATE, yes I did say private, all your good for is scrubbing schmegma off of the latrines back at the base. You are the one Ducking the challenge last I heard from you was that whine you offered at xmas - "Can we have a truce" sniff sniff, damn that was sooooo pathetic, **** we shot at santa. AS far as that ELVIS dweeb he lies like a rug, its turn 18 in riesberg hes allies and has stalled at the first row of buildings lol- If he cant win in Riesberg as Allies he need s to go back to Parchesi and sipping geritol to Bing Crosby records. HE is the moset pathetic excuse for an attacker Ive ever seens- he throughs all his tanks down the middle road like the AI default - god my TODDLER PERFORMS BETTER, **** so does grandma for that matter! Hes down to one tank and he's got all his men huddled in a building. I asked him if they were watchin the USO, or maybe there was something he needed to let me know about his men. They seemed awful happy in there if ya know what I mean lol. It think his men were members of the BIG PINK ONE, I told him Id hand him his ass if he gave me allies - he had no comment lol in fact his following email was speechless. Kinda like you after my last attempt to get you to play a match . The only one been dodging is you Im ready an waiting any time - LOL I'm sure you aint got the Kajones tho they got put up with the rest of the christmas ornaments.

And as far as the little Yellow bus goes he stopped riding that long ago ..........




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While the crazied Peng is correct that he beat me up pretty good in Chance Encounter it must be noted that I have been the bus driver (I take him to school often) in so many consecutive games that I felt it was time I threw him a bone. SS on the other hand is a whole different kind of animal. He claims his imminent defeat is because of a unbalanced scenerio. For this type of slander you shall pay.:P

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LIES upon lies upon lies...you will both feel the sting of the lash on your bare shoulders for your infamy. SS_PantyEater, last I heard you were going to settle for an allied minor victory. Doens't sound like a win to me. Sounds more like a loss. See, if you are the Germans, and Elvis is the Americans, and the Americans get a minor victory that means the Americans WON. Now I know you are a bit on the slow side yourself, confused.gif but even Elvis understands the concepts of 'won' and 'lost.' Victory = Win. If you are not the side with the victory then you are the side with the loss.

As for any truce I may have called for in a drunken foolish try at xmas cheer...(what the HELL was i thinking???? redface.gif )...consider it over. You have my icq# send me a game and we will get started. Pick a game, pick your side, pick your nose and prepare to eat your own liver...through your arse.

And Elvis...oh never mind you pathetic worm. I bitch-slapped you like a red-headed step-child and you are just too damn dumb to realize it. So you had a streak in SP3. This is CM and I will destroy you every time in every scenario from any side.

Peng out

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God help me I love it. I am jealous of the popcorn, bullethead. and the wiskey. I have nothing here but beer, reds, uppers, downers, screamers, laughers, some reefer and a bit of very old heroin. Some popcorn and wiskey would really hit the spot. wink.gif

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imminent defeat (lol @ ELVIRA ) god woman if you call scraping a possible minor victory in Riesberg something to be proud of hmmmn ---- well i guess it was a little above getting to move up to special ed class. After i stifle your "imminent VIctory" hahahahaha I will be glad to smack ya around like you was my second rate crack ho all over the CE map smile.gif.

MRs thang


you will both feel the sting of the lash on your bare shoulders SS_PantyEater, You have my icq# send me and we will get started.

UGGH SOrry Mrs Thang im not into that kinda thing but iLl be happy to spank you in CE if ya stop wearing that lingerie in combat.

Elvis was just telling me ya had to use your panties to surrender with in your SP3 game, and since your latest references to my name Im having my doubts about letting any of my guys crawl in any foxholes with your crew around. If I were you I wouldnt drink on that thorisine, it probably wont help your hallucinations, or that emerging second and third personality. Just relax and amuse yourself by contining to watch the snow on the tv as usual. Damn thats a shame you still ride the little bus after all these years but I guess misery loves company so you and elvis can swap tales of humiliation on your way to treatment.

oh BTW Elvis Im not making excuses on losing i expected to.... I'm just laughing at your inability to wrap this game up without so much trouble. If ya dont want a whooping in CE I will be GLAD TO show you how its done as allies in riesberg but of course then you would really look silly, in case this isnt enough.

PING I'll email ya the setup tomorrow or You can do it now - please indicate what side ya want but ill whoop ya either way so bad that your greatgreatgrandkids will bear the shame




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Oh, SS_SissyBeater you are a laugh riot. I swear to god. You crack me up good. I guess i picked the wrong week to quit smokin crack tho. Cuz i'll need all my wits about me when I am stomping your guts into puddles of horrid fecally goo. I wouldn't want to be too sober for that...nosiree gotta get lit up like a roman candle for that.

I would suggest that you lay in a good supply of xanax for the hissy-sissy-fits you will experience when I get a hold of you. Pharmies are for them whut can't handle street drugs. And if you can't handle Elvis, hell, you can't handle asprin.

Die you filthy rotten swine.

Peng out

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Guest Captain Foobar

You know, sitting on the sidelines, I'm kind of enjoying this. Personally, I've stopped playing the demo, I want to have my mind fresh for the GOLD build. I don't wanna practice any bad habits. With that being said...

I have held my tongue for a good while now. I have watched you Mr Peng, and your weekly invectives as you attempt to psyche your opponents. Your constant stream of bile has built up my desire to thouroughly smite you. There is nothing I want more than to expose you for the pathetic mental midget you are. tongue.gif

And if there is one thing that I have learned in this world, it is that usually when you find someone with an alligator mouth, there's a mosquito ass right there behind it.

So put me on your list Mr. Peng, I want you blind. When we get that GOLD scenario, its you and me with no previous knowledge of the map. I hope that you can cope with that, if not, I'll teach you. God, I am going to enjoy this. smile.gif

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Foobar! You are smitten with me? I'm touched, really I am. I don't understand why I have such a reputation tho. The only person I publicly flogged was Elvis. And he richly deserves any and all beatings he gets. Somehow this whole thing has blossomed into an enormous, continuous taunt. OK maybe I said some things about SS_AntFeeder awhile ago, but that's because he dissed my best good friend Elvis. And maybe I mildly taunted some others. WHO CARES!? Elvis, despite his inbred-booger-eating-mouth-breathing sodomite ways is almost like family. In fact, had his family mated with others outside the clan a little more he might not be the way he is today. So anyway, I'm glad that I can be your personal little funny-guy for the nonce. And personally, having only gotten my "member" (huh-huh) status today, I'm not quite ready to give up playing the demo. Maybe when I have played with myself a thousand times (don't twitch and giggle so. I passed that other milestone years ago.) like you have I will stop. But I won't quit at least until it gets a bit sore. And any time you would like to try to flog me in CM I'll be happy to be your garscon du piss. I dont give an airborne intercourse about winning or losing (not to you anyway, it pains me to have Elvis on top, being so fat and all, but you can beat me as many time as you like).

Elvis and I have played may wargames for many years and Now this CM thing has come along and made me very happy. The fact that there are a whole flockload of potential opponents is fabo. Them what can stand some bull****ty bravado are welcome to try their hands at pissing me off and smiting me in the game. It is part and parcel of the fun. Choose your tool. Have at me. Kill or be Killed.

Peng out

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OK maybe I said some things about SS_AntFeeder awhile ago, but that's because he dissed my best good friend Elvis. And maybe I mildly taunted some others.


GOD How can u lie like that, do you believe youruself? MAn (oops Boy? or wanna be girl) isn't that medication working? that compulsive disorder is getting out of hand god knows what else you do and spare us the grim details. Whats all this flower power love child crap your spurting on the other thread did you take to much windowpane in the 60s? smile.gif You really are in a pickle with ol Foobar but i noticed he pegged ya to as a memeber of the little bus transportation club, he even knew your would get confused over to much information. Personally i think you get confused ont he way o your mailbox. Elvis said you'ld need ed directions to exit your army from the battle field providing they lived that long. Your weak attempts at comeback lines arent enough to make a child mildly amused. I see that you finally found your Kajoneys and mailed me the setup to Ld - prepare to watch em shrink. Im going to kick your ass so bad you'll be tasting crap for a week. When Im done with that Ill get the pleasure of watching my men have their way with your rotting skull. I hope you realize that your little yellow bus pass wont cut it as you cross the river styx. Give CHaron my regards hopefully thh weight of your head will sink the boat when ya cross. smile.gif

Death to MRS PINK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The return file is in you box



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Oh, SS you are sooooooo mean! I nearly wet myself with fear and anguish. nope thats just some spoo from lookin at all the cyberporn foobar has been sending my way. he is one raunchy fella that ol foo. i will be sure to keep my daughters far far away from him and his spawn.

Christ what have i gotten myself into? i have games going with Elvis, Colin and YOU, ya big squishy man-child.

As for the windowpane...for me to have taken any during the 60s i would have been all of 9, the tripping didn't start in ernest until i was at least 17, and even then it was mostly magic mushrooms, not plastic. eek.gif

And is it so wrong for me to be more than a two-dimensional cut-out of a taunting freak? must I always be relegated to the role of the snide, nasty invective hurling bastard? YES? oh, ok. sorry I tried to be a little human. It is rough for us pods sometimes. BOO HOO tongue.gif I'm cooking up some fava beans to go with your guts. I will have a hearty chuckle drinking beer out of your boiled skull. You will reek of your own loosed bowels Sissy-boy.

Where did you send the game?

Peng out of Chianti.

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Boy Ping if you would put as much effort into making a move or thinking, as you did into dishing out this incessant onslaught of suddamn hussein style verbal diarreah, then you may find yourself qualifying to being a worthy advesary of a preschooler.

Speaking of children I hope you dont let on to yours about your strange gaming habits. How you can hold down that job on the phonesex hotline whilst plotting CM moves is beyond me, but then Elvis says your basic form of verbal communication is usually a grunt so maybe thats the sectret smile.gif. Boiling skulls lol I would've thought you were the last one wanting to bring up banter involving shrunken heads :0P. In regards to the fecal material have you changed your depends today? Now quit jerking around and send the turn already, for I make ya feel smaller than you do in the bedrooom. smile.gif



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Wretches like you two come along only once or twice in a lifetime. When the dope really hits the fans with the final release of the game and mealy mouthed degenerates like you are exposed as the frauds that you really are you will no longer be able to hide behind the "the demo doesn't score properly, you really didn't win as big as you think you did" and "You know exactly where my units are coming in and when I get my reinforcements". The truth will be out there for all to see. Shame. Shame on both of you.


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Speaking of mosquito's behinds, just how small a sphincter would a mosquito have? I'm just curious because I bet a nickle that it would still be too big for the size of SS_TinyWeener's penis. For some strange reason the guy has been sending me naked pictures of himself and I just about crapped when I saw how really really tiny his willi is. More like a 'wil' or a 'wi' or just half a 'w'. I don't know if I am supposed to be aroused by these home photos or what. I am certainly amused by them. Enough is enough tho SS. put that thing away and get to the game.

Peng out

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Ping you really need to quit the job at the gay sex line because your work fantasy mindset is seeping into your daily life. FIrst off when i said meet me on the field in BAttle dress I didnt mean a tutu. Secondly I really wish you think about someonelses willy you need help! Freud had a term for conditions like yours I believe it is called "penis envy" and occurs usually in females but in your case thats a wanna be female. Quit posting and put the ICQ back onso I can continued kicking your arse all over the place smile.gif AND tell that Neanderthal Elvis he needs to quit waching hogans heroes to get tank tactics smile.gif



[This message has been edited by SS_PanzerLeader (edited 01-17-2000).]

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