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Panzertruppens Hi-Detail Building Mod Ready on CMHQ!!!!! GO GO GO!!!!

Guest Madmatt

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im pretty new, not really tho i've been playing the demo for several months now, but started visiting these forums lately.

but to the point i was wondering are these "mods" just re-skins of the .bmp's? or are they completely new models? to me they look like re-drawings of the originals?

enlighten me please.

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Stic, the "Mods" are just textures touched up or re-created for the game, not new models, game system changes, etc.

However, if you own the game, I heartily recommend checking them out... as you can custom the look to suit your own tastes. Same goes for sounds.


"The truth was that the Germans were losing faster than the Allies could win." - A Bridge Too Far

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