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New to CM and some excellent reading ideas.

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I just want to say that I discovered CM my reading the latest issue of PC Gamer. Great review and great demo. Placed an order for the game today.

Since I have only played the demo I am wondering if the Waffen SS troops are depicted in camo smocks/helmet covers?

Although this question has probably been posed before, any chances of an Eastern Front CM game? Anyone interested in reading two excellent books on the Eastern Front should pickup a copy of Paul Carrell's excellent books "Hitler moves East" and "Scorched Earth". Perhaps the best books on the subject. They are expensive but well worth it.

Look forward to receiving the game and keep up the great work. Private Dietz

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hey Dietz, welcome aboard!

1-yes the pants wettin' SS hamstertruppen are in cammie smocks tongue.gif

2- CM2 will be Ost front smile.gif

3-and a friendly bit of advice...before the "do a search" storm troopers post...do that, there is an excellent search link in the upper right wink.gif

Drat! Lorak beat me to it wink.gif

and once agin...welcome! biggrin.gif


unca pathy will show ya the path,

if only he could find it himself!

[This message has been edited by pathfinder (edited 08-11-2000).]

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Yo Pvt. Welcome to our collective. Let me be the first to point out the search hyperlink, it's right below the post reply hyperlink. I only point this out because you'll get that reply a lot (as in, that was discussed already, use the search). It's good advice, you just get tired of hearing it smile.gif.

CM2 will be East Front. The specifics are unknown considering they're (BTS) still working on CM1. Don't get caught up too much in the eye candy, even though most of it is quite good. The true brilliance lies underneath the hood. As for the how the SS troops are depicted, I don't know. I have yet to play a scenario with them.

Thanks for the book info. I'm compiling a list from this forum (yes, you guessed, there was a topic just yesterday on books) and others. I hadn't seen those mentioned though.

Welcome again

edited to say: drat, pathfinder beat me to it smile.gif


Jeff Abbott

[This message has been edited by Juardis (edited 08-11-2000).]

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