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Guest Pillar

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Guest Pillar

You guys (who are playing) should be checking this message board at least daily.

I have posted some information there that is important to the game.

It's also the best way for us to discuss ways of improving the game.

See you at the forum.

(Outsiders welcome too)

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Guest Pillar

It's proceding very well!

The first half hour of gameplay is already done. The second half hour is going to be ready for the players probably by the weekend.

It's a bit slow right now in betweent turns since only a very few people are involved in combat right now. Those people are having lots of fun while the rest wait till they reach the battle smile.gif

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Guest Pillar

Fear not! Commanders are going to be getting killed off when the bullets start to fly. There are in-game units which represent the commander which can be killed. So there will be many a force that ends up "Commanderless" I'm sure.

Not only that, but there is always the possibility of either side recieving reinforcements from high command.

Finally as a last resort, if you don't get in on either of the above, you can always sign up for the next game.

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Guest Pillar

I'm having a problem with geocities it appears. The page is down. confused.gif

I can't even view it from the file manager, it says "Page is currently unavailable for viewing".

My guess is that the server my website is on is currently down, or getting transfered.

Oh well, you get what you pay for smile.gif

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