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Map Editor - Hill Height?

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I did a search on elevation and height, but could not find an answer.

Does each level of elevation on the map editor correspond to a height in feet or meters? For instance, if I was trying to recreate a map of an actual battlefield, and the dominate terrain features are Hill 314 and Hill 285, would I be able to easily create hills that were roughly that tall?

Thanks in advance to BTS or beta testers for any answers you may have.

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Well map heights are RELATIONAL.

What this means is that while you can't create a hill 300 metres high you CAN create a hill 50 or 100 metres higher than the surrounding terrain.

Since hill 285 is almost certainly NOT 285 metres taller than the surrounding terrain but is only 285metres above SEA LEVEL this works out fine since you'll usually find the terrain around hill 285 might be 200 metres above sea level so you only need to make an 85m tall hill (which you can do).

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Thanks for the quick reply. I get what you are saying, but have a follow-up question.

If I want to make a hill that is 285 meters above see level, but only 100 meters above the adjacent terrain, will the map editor allow me to make a 100 meter hill? For example, does each level of elevation correspond to an actual height (e.g., 25 meters per level)?

You indicate that this is possible. However, is it explicit in the editor, or does the map maker need to estimate using his or her eye until it looks right?

Thanks again,


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Actually its very easy. The map editor allows you to use 19 elevations.. The settings are something like 2.5 metres per elevation or 5 metres per elevation or 10 metres per elevation.

So, with 19 elevations and 5 metres per elevation you can easily enough make a 95 metre high hill.

Elevation 0 = 200 metres above sea level.

Elevation 17 = 285 metres above sea level ( 85 metres above the ground around it)

Clearer now?

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Is it possible to mix and match the setting (2.5/5/10) on a single map?

I can think of terrain where you might want a very steep side (10m/step), and a gently sloping side (2.5m/step), so it'd be nice if you could ...





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Actually there are 20 levels Fionn (0 - 19) and JonS, you can either only have the elevation step be 2.5 or 5 meters (there is no 10 meter elevation)... you cannot mix them on the same map, I can also see where that would be handy.

As Fionn can tell you, it is very possible to make some very high hills in CM. At the 5m interval level, the hills can become quite dramatic.

Hope that helps.

[This message has been edited by Bil Hardenberger (edited 02-15-2000).]

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